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You: hey bunny boy! are you awake? I can't sleep :)

Jungkookie: surprisingly yes i am, why can't you sleep?

You: because i can't stop thinking of you....

You: and your adorable smile...

Jungkookie: my smile? I don't smile..

You: you did earlier at lunch :)

Jungkookie: you were watching me...?

You: putting it that way sounds creepy, i just wanted to see your reaction to my text...

Jungkookie: ....

You: .sorry if i freaked you out, wasnt my intention.. Ill leave you too yourself now

Jungkookie: no! your okay, but i am getting tired, ill talk to you tomorrow :)


Jungkookie: hey, how was school?

You: aish! you actually texted me :)

You: you weren't there today so it wasn't as good ... hehe

Jungkookie: yeah, wasn't in the mood for school today.

Jungkookie: i have a question..

You: and i have an answer... maybe ;)

Jungkook read the message, smiling just a bit.

Jungkookie: why bother texting me? if you go to school with me, you should see that I'm not a 'nice guy' as others say...

You: just because people talk, doesn't mean what they say is the full truth.. I'm sure they all have no idea who you are and just go off your appearance..

You: i see more to you than most people probably do.. and i just wanted to say hi and become friends..

Jungkookie: you see more to me..? like what exactly...?

You: well for starters ik your very smart than what you lead on to be.. and i know that someone doesnt just stop smiling and talking less for no reason.. so i know your probably going through something... and i want you to know, im here for you :)

Jungkook was stunned by this persons response. He knew it was weird but he felt calm and at ease texting this person. She knew exactly what to say and knew what she was going on about.

No one has ever paid attention to Jungkook before. His parents sure didn't care and his friends were there for him but never actually tried to help him.

He was actually kind of happy to have a new friend that actually understood him.

Jungkookie: your surprisingly different... can i please know your name..?

You: maybe some day, but i don't think i could tell you, if you knew who i was.. you'd be wasting your time...

Jungkookie: what makes you say that..?

You: bc no one pays attention to me.. therefore, you'd be wasting your time.

Jungkookie: i know for a fact that i wouldnt be wasting my time.. you seem amazing..

You: you wouldn't be saying that if you knew who i was..

Jungkookie: pls don't say that...

You: goodnight kookie, sleep well.

Jungkookie: goodnight sunshine.. :(

He liked reading you call him kookie...

Jungkook didnt like the way you spoke of yourself. You had made him smile more in the passed 4 days than anyone has in the past few years. He didn't like someone so smart and sweet to think so low of themselves.

He wanted to know who you were, and is set on figuring it out.


~ Taylor 🐰

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~ Taylor 🐰

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