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Its been a full week since you've seen Jimin, as for Jungkook.

Taehyung has come by everyday to check on you which you couldn't help but love.

During school you guys had to hide the fact that you guys were somewhat related or even knew each other. Yout parents didnt want you guys interacting and threatened to send both of you off to a boarding school if we didnt keep distance.

They wanted to hide the affair they had and having you guys hide your relation was just there way of protecting there reputation.

But since you and Taehyung no longer care for your parents, well much anyways. Your always together... unless you were with Jungkook but...

"Taehyung, do you know why Jungkook wont answer my texts or calls?" You asked Taehyung who was currently restocking your refridgerater since he realised you had no food. You parents cut you off a few days ago saying you were almost 18 and could support yourself.

"I uh, well sorta.." You walked over to Taehyung and stood infront of him.

"Taehyung tell me." He gave you this sigh and leaned agaisnt the counter.

"Jimins back y/n... and not only did he come back the day you and Jungkook finally got together, you were never over Jimin... Jungkook just doesnt know how to be around you knowing the one you love is back and he doesnt want to watch you leave him.." Why did they both think you loved Jimin? You felt strongly for him but you never thought you loved him..

Could you love Jimin?

"Taehyung, i truly like Jungkook, i always have.. but I dont love Jimin.." He shook his head and grabbed your shoulders making you aligned with him.

"Y/n. You. Love. Jimin." You were about to speak until heard the doorbell go off.

"Ill get it." Taehyung brushed passed you and greeted whoever was at the door.


"What are you doing here?" You glared at him, immediately wanting to kick him out.

"I invited him over." Taehyung admitted, making you feel betrayed.

"What why!?" Jimin winced from your outburst.

"You need to figure out how you feel, and you its not just for you." Jungkook popped up into your head, remembering Taehyung told you how he didn't know how to feel because he was sure you loved Jimin.

I need to figure out my feelings..

"Call me later and ill come by." You nodded,watching him walk out and leaving you and Jimin alone.

"Y/n.. I-im sorry.." You rushed to hin, wrapping your arms around him.

As much as you wanted to scream at him, you missed him to much.

He wrapped his arms around you tightly feeling the warmth between you two fill the air.

"I really missed this." You backed up a bit, arms still wrapped around him.

"Then why did you leave? Why didn't you awnser any of my calls or messages? Why didn't you come back sooner? God Jimin! Why didn't you say goodbye the right way!?" You were now standing apart from him, shouting at him.

"Ill explain everything okay.. Just, can we take this upstairs.." You rolled your eyes and went up to your room, with him following behind you.

You sat on the bed, and he sat in your chair.

He began telling you how he was in so much pain from his mother's death that he couldn't be in the town where she was known... Where every one would ask him how's he doing and if he ever needed anything, just to let them know. So he left.

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