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"C-can you kiss me." You randomly let out, covering your mouth right away.

You were so embarrassed and you didnt want to look at Jungkook who was probably debating on running away from you, as you thought.

Jungkook on the other hand was caught off guard, looking at you while you covered your face with both your hand from embarrassment.

He couldnt help but think you were so cute. He was just shocked that you actually wanted him to kiss you.

He smiled at you, watching you for a brief second with an adoring smile.

He made his way to hovering over you, still smiling from how cute you were.

"Move your hands." He helped you move them by grabbing one and moving ir away from your face.

When your face was visible he couldnt help but smile wide, you were being too cute for your own good with your tomato cheeks.

"Your cheeks are so red!" He grabbed at them, pinching them softly as he was smiling like an adorable bunny.

You blushed harder then you ever thought was possible.

You went to cover you face again only to have you right hand blocked by kookies hand that was still squeezing your cheek.

He noticed what you were going to do, and slowly grabbed your hand in his, caressing it sweetly. He loved the feeling of your hand in his.

He held it gently, getting this odd feeling in his stomach, almost like butterflies but stronger.

"Your hands are so... cute.." He softly said looking up into your eyes, catching your nervous cute stare.

"Your cute.." His bunny smile appeared back onto his face.

You smiled at him, your tomato cheeks never fading away.

He started to lean in, slowly might you add. You stomach was doing flips, seeing how the guy you have crushed on for a few years now is about to kiss you.

As he got closer, both your eyes shut feeling extremely excited to kiss one another...


"Thanks for leaving all by mysel-" Taehyung stopped speaking immediately, noticing you and Jungkook.

"Oh shoot... did i ruin the moment..?" You and Jungkook just looked into each others eyes, both pairs full of irritation.

"Yes, you actually did." Jungkook shifted off of you sitting on the edge of the bed.

You followed his actions and sat with him.

"Sorry, ill leave you two to it.." Taehyung quickly left you guys alone, feeling extremely awkward.

You both sat there, silence fillung the room.

"About what was g-" You cut him off, scared to hear him say something negative.

"I get it, we were just caught in the moment. I totally understand." You faked a smile at him, earning a confused one from him.

"What are you s-"

"I think i should go home, I've had enough embarrassment for the night.." You quickly stood up walkibg towards the door, immediately being held back by Jungkooks grip.

"What the heck just happened? Why are you running away like what was going to happen was nothing?" He stared you deep in your eyes, wanting an answer.

"Look, you dont have to act like you were going to go through with it okay? I get it." You smiled at him warmly before walking out of the room, leaving Jungkook dumbfounded from what just happened.

"Okay what the actual heck." He threw his hands in the air. He then followed right behind you following you out into the livingroom.

"Hey Taehyung could you take me home? I think i should sleep in my own bed tonight." Taehyung exchanged and look between you and Jungkook. Earning a shrugg and confused look from Jungkook who was standing behind you.

"Are you sure you want to go home? You'd be all alone. You can stay here." He kindly said, before you grabbed your bag that was placed on the couch.

"I want to go home..." You mumbled. Taehyung stood up agreeing to take you.


In the car, Jungkook sat in the back while you sat in the passengers seat.

You really didnt want to go home, but you felt so embarrassed and you wanted nothing but to rant to your bestfriend about it, which made you feel sad knowing Jimin left you.

As you guys pulled up, you thanks Taehyung and made your way out of the car. You walked to the front door, unlocking it and walking in.

You turned the light on, seeing the house for the first time in weeks.

Since you were staying at Jimin for a few weeks since your parents were gone and Jimin needed the comfort. And now that he was gone, you ended up staying with Taehyung.

You walked through the house, until you reached your room.

You turned the light on, feeling the emptiness of the room.

For some reason all you wanted to do was cry.

You threw your bag on the ground and collapse into the bed, starting to cry.

Without Taehyung or Jungkook around now, you were actually alone.

You cried into your pillow, missing everyone that has now left.

"Y/n!" Jungkooks voice traveled through your room, making you jump from the sudden voice.

You looked at him still fully crying as he held you in his arms, rocking you back and forth.

Then you noticed Taehyung standing at the door, watching you with worried eyes.

"Why are you crying y/n?" Jungkook worriedly asked, trying to calm you down.

"B-because I feel so a-alone." You cried out, pulling away from him, staring at both Jungkook and Taehyung who was now knealing beside you.

"I miss my parents when they were just my parents, i miss Jimin so much it hurts, if seriously hurts so much that i just to hide away crying my eyes out until i go dry." Taehyung was first to reach for you to hug you tightly.

"You have us y/n, your not alone.." You shook your head, moving away from him.

"You guys are only around now because Jimin left, and were there when he did. Now of you weren't, you wouldnt be here because you wouldnt even know about it. Heck i wouldnt have even found out about my dad having another kid, and i never would have known about them deciding not to come back. I would be all alone.." You cried out more, standing up and rushing into your bathroom, with the boys chasing after you but too slow as you slammed the door, locking them out.


I dont know why i felt so sad writing this :(

~Taylor 🌻

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