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You turned around to face... Yoongi staring down at you with a sheepishly grin.

You threw his hand off of your shoulder and stepped back until you fell against Jimins bed.

"What the hell are you doing here!? What the actual f-" you were cut off by his hand covering your mouth which you pushed off.

"Waiting for Jimin sweetie." You scrunched your eyebrows feeling disgusted by his nickname.

"Dont call me that, you shouldn't be here! You need to get out!" Yoongi laughed, stepping closer to you only for you to pushed him back.

"Babe, stop pushing me away but like i said, im waiting for Jimin so no, im not leaving." You got mad, and attacked him.

"Jimin - Isnt - Coming - Back - You - Molester!" You said in between hits, he managed to grab hold of your wrist and held them apart as he regained from your hits.

"Your pathetic, you really think im going to take shit from you?" He pushed you back, making you land on top of the bed. He hovered over you, wrist still stuck in his grip.

You tried to knee him off or kick him off but he had his large body holding you down, bodies pressed together which you hated.

"Get off of me!" You screamed, feeling his lips try and kiss you hard.

Since you kept moving he used one hand to hold both of your wrist, and used the other to hold your head in place as he forcefully kissed you.

"Please- Yoongi- Stop!" You cried when you felt him pressing against you.

"Hey! Get off of her!" Jungkook came around, pulling Yoongi off of you and punching right on the jaw, making Yoongi fall straight to the ground.

But that wasnt enough for Jungkook. He started to punch the crap out of Yoongi agaisnt the wall.

"You piece of shit! Dont you ever lay a hand on her!" He continued to punch him, blood started to fall down from his nose.

"Jungkook! Stop! Enough!" You tried pulling him away, he turned to you seeing you worried and frightened.

He took one look at Yoongi, and stepped back, realising what he just did.

He grabbed you by the hand and rushed out of the room.

Once you guys managed to run out, he took the keys from you. He drove away fast and didnt say a single word.

You watched him, scared of the person you had seen lash out. You should be thankful for what he did, but you werent fond of the person you now know he could be.

Once you guys got back to your house.

You both sat in the car, quiet, not saying a single word.

"Are you okay?" He broke the silence, looking right at you.

You nodded, not looking up at him, but at your hands.

"Im sorry that you saw me do that, i shouldnt have gone that far, but he was going to rape you... It made me feel, really angry. And i dont even know what came over me until you told me to stop... thats when i realised how far i had gone.." You faced him, seeing his red cheeks and bruised fists.

When you guys had ran out, it had looked like Yoongi wasnt breathing.

"I-its fine.. You did what you thought you had to do." You hesitantly leaned over, lips barely a few inches apart from each other.

You saw him gulp as his eyes were fixated on your lips.

Instead of kissing him, you tilted your head and planted a lingering kiss on his cheek.

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