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"Jimin, I'm so very sorry i failed you.." Taehyung sobbed into his hands as he kneeled infront of engraved gravestone.

"I should've done more to protect you.." He placed a hand on the fresh dirt that was placed infront of him.

"I shouldnt have lied to you, telling you i would be there for you.." He sobbed more and more, drying his eyes every so often.

"But I swear, i meant every word i said... I wanted to be the one to protect you.. To be there for you." He placed his right hand on the engraving, softly caressing the name.

"Park Jimin.. I wanted you.. I wanted to be yours. I wanted you to be mine." Taehyung cried, not caring if he soaked his shirt as the tears strolled down his cheeks and neck.

"Wake-up." A soft voice suddenly sparked from behind Taehyung.

"J-Jimin..?" Taehyungs head peaked up from the ground, standing and turning around to be faced with the one and only Jimin.

"You need to wake up." Jimin sweetly told Taehyung, as Taehyung slowly walked closer and closer to Jimin.

"Your here.. Your actually here!" Taehyung smiled, tears still falling.

He took Jimins chubby cheeks into his hands, feeling his soft skin.

Then he ran his hands through Jimins soft fluffy hair.

"Y-your actually here.." Taehyungs smile reached its peak as Jimin sweetly smiled back.

"Im so sorry Jimin, this is all my fault.." He cried, earning a sweet look from Jimin.

Jimin took Taehyungs face in his and pecked his lips with such passion and love.

Jimin moved back, eyeing Taehyung whose eyes were still closed and lips still puckered as if he was in shock from what just happened but was obviously happy.

"Taehyung, nothing was your fault. Now please, you need to wake up." Taehyungs smile faltered as a confused expression started to appear.

"What are you talking about? Wake up?" He asked Jimin.

"Its not your time yet.." Taehyung let go of Jimin, stumbling back..

Emergency sirens start

"Ah wh-whats going on?" Taehyung grips his head in slight pain, starting to hear his surroundings.

"Wake up Taehyung, wake up!" Taehyung sealed his eyes shut from the pain. Thinking that was Jimin who spoke up, eventually turned into a girls voice.

"Taehyung!" Taehyung snapped his eyes open, only to be met with y/n hovering slightly over him with tears filling her eyes.

"Y-y/n..?" He tried speaking.

"Your okay, the paramedics are here, you'll be okay.." Taehyung tried to move, instead stopping from the incredible amount of pain that electrified through his body.

He scanned his surroundings until he looked back to y/n.. who was covered in cuts and bruises, hair messy and her shirt slightly ripped.

"W-what happened?" He tried speaking, as y/n shushed him.

"Dont speak, your in to much pain. But we were in an accident."


I promise ill write a full chapter tomorrow 💜

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I promise ill write a full chapter tomorrow 💜

Goodnight everyone.

~ Taylor 🐰

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