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Taehyung Pov

Jimin had told me to meet him here, saying he needed to talk.

Im currently just sitting at this cafe thats like 20 minutes from home.

He told me to come alone, in the risk of seeing y/n.

I heard the cafe's door open with the bell ringing. Jimin walked through it seeing me.

He came around and sat at right infront of me.

"Why did you ask me to come here.. I shouldn't be here, you should contact y/n." He shook his head, mumbling to himself.

"I got her messages and her voicemails, i cant bare to see her. The last thing i wanted to do was hurt her. I just needed some time alone." If he wants me to feel pity for him, he's not getting it.

"Why did you want to meet Jimin?" He looked straight up at me, finally able to see the dark circles under his lazy eyes. It looked like he hadn't been sleeping.

Now that im looking at him, his hair is messy and his clothes look worn out.

"I needed to know how shes doing, i want to know if shes at least smiling and not tearing herself apart." Jimin started fumbling with his fingers, looking concerned and nervous.

"She's has her moments, but she does smile, you could thank Jungkook for that." Jimin flinched from his name, looking a little annoyed but quickly brushed it off, asking another question.

"Are they together?" I shook my head no, earning a amall sweet smile from him

"How come you dont come home?" If he was here with me, why couldnt he just drive an extra 20 minutes to see everyone else?

"I still need time, but through that time,my father has been in contact with me. Along with Yoomgi, there trying to .." He gulped, with feae written all over his face.

"To hurt me."


Y/n Pov 3rd Person

"Where did I put it!?" You rummaged around your room, looking for your favorite Jacket. You absolutely loved that jacket and well it cost to much to lose.

Where could it had gone?

You went through all your drawers, all the clothes yhat were folded up now thrown on the floor and bed. Your closet was flipped inside out, hangers no longer held the clothes.

You were about to give up when you saw a shirt laying scrunched up on your bed.

It was a shirt Jimin had gave you.

You grabbed it, looking at it starting to feel anger.

You threw it on the floor, with an angry frown. You sat on your bed, looking at the photo frame on your nightstand.

You and Jimin, smiling while you were on his back and both of you staring back at each other. You guys were at the beach for his birthday.

He had begged you to come with him so he didnt have to go with just his father, since his mom had to work.

Then it hit you, your jacket is at Jimins.

Should you risk it and go get it? You had the key to get in since that was basically your home.

You fought against the idea but decided to go.

Ding Ding

You rushed downstairs, opening the door revealing Jungkook.

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