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Jungkook was first to wake up, realising the sun was setting.

He quickly brought his mind back to what happened earlier when he saw you sleeping right next to him. You were facing his way, strands of hair falling on your face.

He smiled, moving the strands of hair behind your ear. He slowly moved his hand to your cheek, caressing it lightly feeling your soft round cheeks.

He couldnt help but blush when you started to move. You were obviously cold, scrunched up, hands and arms tightly pressed against your chest. You moved in closer to Jungkook, finding his warmth.

Jungkooks mind went from not being tired to feeling extremely soft and calm from your touch. He layed his head back down, arm wrapped around you before drifting back to sleep.


As Jungkooks alarm went off, both you and him woke up, pressed up against each other.

"What time is it?" You asked, moving away from Jungkook, feeling a little weird from how close you two were.

"Its.." He turned to turn his alarm off, seeing the time. His eyes widened, as he jumped off the bed.

"Its 7:30am, we slept the whole day!" Jungkook rushed out of his room, checking if his brother was awake and ready for school.

You quickly moved around on the bed, finding your phone.

Once you did, you tried to turn it on but it was completely dead.

Good thing, you were supposed to stay at Jimins since his parents were out of town, so thank god to that. Your mom would kill you for not checking in.

Jungkook came back into the room, eyeing you before smiling.

"Could i borrow your charger?" Jungkook unplugged his charger from one side of the room and brought it to you, plugging it in next you.

Once you plugged the charger into your phone, you waited for your phone to take a few minutes to turn on.

"Are you going to be in trouble?" He asked, looking for an answer.

"Hopefully not, i was supposed to stay over at Jimins today so my mom wasn't expecting me home. But knowing Jimin, he could have gone to my mom asking where I am." Jungkook looked a little upset but quickly switched his expression to a nervous one.

"Im really sorry if you get into trouble, i shouldnt have made you slee-"

"Jungkook, its fine. I could have fought you on it but i didnt. So your not the only one at fault here." You gave him a smile before checking your phone.

Your phone began to go off hundreds of times, indicating you had many messages and missed calls.

"Im scared for you.." Jungkook breathed out.

"Im scared for myself.." You checked your messages.

20 unread messages

14 missed calls

You were glad to see that they were all from Jimin.

None from your mom.

Pabo: what time are you coming back from your baby boys?

what do you want for dinner?


hey dumb tomato, answer!

fine, im buying pizza.

oh come on, its been 3 hours! where are you?

okay answer your phone right now!

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