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Once you both arrived at school, you grabbed a pass and headed to your class.

You frightened to see Jimin hoping he wasn't mad.

Once you entered the class, all eyes were on you and Jungkook.

Some people looked mad, some looked confused and some looked disgusted.

It didnt help that you were wearing his shirt, and you were sure people recognized it.

You looked around while heading to your seat. Jimin wasn't seated there, but he was sitted in Jungkooks seat.

Jungkook decided to sit next to you since his spot was taken.

Once you were seated, you pulled out your phone texting Jimin.

You: jimin? why are you sitting over there?

Jimin picked his phone up, reading your notification. He sighed before putting his phone back into his pocket before paying attention to whatever Taehyung was doing.

You couldnt help but feel sad. You put your phone away and began reading the book chapter you were assigned to.

Jungkook saw you leaning on one arm with a glum expression. He knew you were upset and you just wanted to hurry the day up.

"Are you okay?" You gave him a small nodd before going back to the book, that you weren't even reading.

You tilted your head, laying down lower on your arm, allowing your hair to fall off from your neck, revealing the dark bruised mark Jungkook left you yesterday.

Jungkook noticed it and laughed to himself before pulling out his phone.

Jungkookie: hey where have you been? I havent heard from you for a whole day! Which is surprising hehe

Your phone buzzed, but since it was put into your pocket opposite of Jungkook. He didn't hear it and since you weren't in the mood to talk to anyone you didnt bother to check it.

Once class ended, you rushed over to Jimin, stopping him.

"Jimin can we please talk?" He just stood there looking down at you. Eyes were low, mouth unsure to speak.

He didn't say anything and finally just walked away.

You walked back to Jungkook grabbing your stuff and walking out of the class with Jungkook behind you.

Once you guys walked into the cafeteria, you saw Jimin sitting with Taehyung and Jungkooks other friends.

"You can sit with us to.." He offered but instead you shook your head and walked over to Jimin fast and ready to talk.

"Jimin, this is ridiculous, it was damn mistake, everyone makes them so get over it." Jimin looked at you with a blank expression, a look of anger washed over him when he noticed the mark on your neck.

He snapped his head towards Jungkook then back to you.

He stood up grabbing your wrist and pulled you away from everyone.

He took you to an empty classroom where no one could hear or see you guys.

He had you between him and the wall, staring down at your neck.

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