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[MATURE: ill put a warning where to stop reading// continue reading, if you dont want to read it]


"What are you doing here yoongi? If y/n sees you, she'll have a heart attack!" Yoongi smiled,not giving a crap about what y/n would think.

"Good thing im not here for her, im here for Jimin. Where is he? He's been M.I.A for awhile." Did this guy not get the memo? You thought annoyingly.

"He took off, told us not to worry and not to try looking for him that he'll be back, all in a note." Yoongi was a little taken back from that and pushed himself inside.

"You know what, maybe I would like to see y/n.. where is she? I miss her." Yoongi moved around in y/ns house looking for her

"Leave her alone, if she sees you she'll want nothing more than to cut you... that is if she still cares about Jimin." You said. Mumbling the last part.

"That was all in the seventh grade, ive matured... sorta." He gave a devilish smile before laughing.

"Come to think about it, how did you know?" Yoongi quirked his eyebrows, eyeing you down.

"Jimin told me, we had gotten close before he left and he told me a lot. But i dont think he knew i knew who you were.." Yoongi laughed, evily might you add making his way closer to you, making you feel quite nervous.

"Close huh? How close? Cute close? Or us close?.." He stepped closer, placing his hand on my friend down there" making me yelp from the pain.

He grinned, loving how much pain he'd cause me. That was what he loved most about me.

"Yoongi i think you should leave, now." You sternly said, making him shake his head.

"Not yet baby boy, im only in town for a few days, why not go and have some fun for old time sakes?" He whispered into your ear making you shiver in disgust.

You grabbed at his arms, pushing him off of you. You were starting to get furious, and wanted to punch him in his face.

"Alright alright ill go, but if Jimin comes back, make sure he knows im looking for him... or better yet, his dad is. And as for you, dont be afraid to call." He wink at you, leaving the house and you in complete disgust.

You went to the door, peeking out of the window, seeing him get into his car and driving off. He made you seriously super angry, and all you wanted to do was chase after him, making him pay for the pain he caused not only you but Jimin too.


//Summer before Freshmen Year//

"Yah! Come back here!" You shouted at the one boy who you met with everyday at the park.

You were both playing tag, when all of a sudden he snuck uo behind you, tripping you so you'd fall. He laughed and started to run off.

You sprinted after him, into a park of the park that was covered in nothing but trees and a lake on the right.

You saw him in a distance and continued to chase him.

Once you far enough from the park, you started get scared, not knowing where you were.

You moved closer towards the water, seeing your surroundings which was nothing but trees, rocks and a long stream of water.

You couldnt even hear the other kids laughter from the park.

You were about to turn back around and head back when all of a sudden, you felt someone tackle you to the ground. Both you and the person who tackled you falling into the lake.

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