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"Taehyung, I dont know what to do.." You cried into Taehyungs chest.

Jimin is in surgery while Jungkook is out hurting, and you had no idea whether or not to stay with Jimin or go find Jungkook.

Your heart ached with pain, and Taehyung swore he could feel the pain tearing at your heart.

"I-I think i should go find Jungkook, it'd be too dangerous for you to go." You cried harder, not wanting to let Taehyung go alone nor go at all.

"No, s-stay here.. I, Ugh who in the right world has to make decisions like this!?" You stepped back from him and shouted, wiping at your eyes in anger.

"Y/n calm down, we will find a way i promise." You shook your head, pulling out your phone.

You were calling Yoongi, hoping he would answer, even if he were to yell at you and hang up.

All you hoped were to hear something you shouldnt have to help you figure out where they were.


The phone rang and rang..

Until it was answered.

"Hello?" You heard Yoongi irritatingly yet calmly say.

"Wheres Jungkook! Tell me where you guys took him! I swe-"

"He's here and okay! Now stop yelling, your going to bust my damn eardrum." Your heart sank, here and okay?

"W-what do you mean here and okay?" Yoongi sighed on the other side of the line.

"Yoongi! Hes waking up!" Someone in the background of Yoongis call screamed.

"Come to Jins." Was all that Yoongi had said before hanging up.

"Who was that? Yoongi?" Taehyung asked, waving his hand infront of your face to wake you from your frozen state.

"Y/n! Snap out of it!" You jumped from Taehyungs harshness and winced from the surprisingly lack of space between you and him

"T-Taehyung, t-too close." Taehyung embarrassingly stepped back, and cleared his throat.

"S-sorry." You told him it was fine, then told him it was Yoongi.

"He said Jungkook was here and okay and to come to Jins." Taehyung was confused.

"Wait, is Jin helping them? Im lost, why is Yoongi at Jins?" You shrugged your shoulders, grabbing your bag that sat next to you on the chair.

"Take me to Jins." Taehyung nodded and both of you started to walk out, that is until the doctor called out to you.

"Ms. [your last name], Mr. Kim, Your friend is awake." Taehyung quickly ran into his room, pulling you along.

When you guys opened the door, you saw Jimins limp eyes holding themselves up.

His stare landed on you and you saw a slight pained smile appear on his face.

"Y-y/n.." Your stomach went through knots, tightening from the strained voice that called out to you.

You walked over to Jimin, and grabbed his hands. You watched how his fingers struggled very slowly to wrap around your hand.

"Jimin.." You leaned in, hugging him softly, making sure not to hurt him.

"Y-y/n, my p-pocket." You rose your eyebrow in confusion.

"P-pants." You looked on the desk where you saw the clothes Jimin wore when he was brought here.

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