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Holy Crapoly thank you so much fpr 2.03k reads!!😩 i love you all so much!
Yoongis Pov

"Park, where are you!? I shout angrily, scanning his terrible decorated house.

"God this man needs a house make over, how come i never noticed." You scoffed it off once Mr Park came into sight.

"You here to finish the job?" He smugly said, clutching the back of his head.

"Ha, how'd you know?" Laughing, i pulled out a gun Jin surprisingly had. He let me borrow it, knowing what i was heading out to do.

He said i must protect myself, what a mom.

"Go on, shoot me." He retorted, mimicking my actions, trying to egg me on.

"Im waiting, I'm getting imaptient." He put his hands on his hips, waiting for my move.

I have to admit, i was scared to shoot him. Ive never taken a life before, and it scares me.

But this man was doing no good to me, nor to my friends.

Well, to the people i would like as my friends.

Maybe if i end this, they will accept me.. maybe forgive me.

Thats all i want.

"Come on kid, do it!" He stepped forward, causing me to grip the gun tighter.

"Your not going to shoot, you don't have it in you. Your just a pathetic boy, who's parents no longer wanted." My heart started racing, the closer he walked and my grip on the gun became tighter.

"Just shoot me kid, you have no one to come back from it. No family, no friends, no one. You'll rot all alone, in a jail cell. No one wants you, so just do it." He was close, very close and all i could do was blink.

He smacked the gun out of my hand and pushed me out of the way.

"Now why dont you just stay down there, while i actually go finish what i tended to do in the first place." With that he walked out of the house, jumping into his car taking off.

I couldn't just let him take off, so i ran to my car chasing him.

We were both speeding, gaining up on him alot but he somehow managed to drive even faster.

I swear weve caused maybe a few accidents in the last intersection.

I hope they are all okay.

Then it all happened so fast, his car came to an immediate stop, but not from him slamming on the breaks.

But from him driving straight into a silver small car.

Tiring screeching from the car infront of him.

But because of my luck, i drove right into his car, bucking forward and the air bag pushing me back.

Then a sudden darkness brushed over me.


I woke with the worst pain ever, looking around my surroundings.

I noticed i was being put into the ambulance truck.

I looked behind the guy pushing the stretcher and saw y/n on the ground with cuts and blood covered over all over her.

She was holding Taehyung in her arms, as he layed lifeless on the street.

Was she the car that Mr. Park hit?

Wait where is Mr. Park?

I looked to my other side to see a body bag being loaded into another ambulance.

I hope thats Mr. Park.

"Sir my brother needs help!" Y/n shouted, watching Taehyung start having a seizure.

One man stayed with me and took me the hospital as the rest of the Emt guys stayed behind to help Taehyung.

I really hope Taehyung is okay.


I promise ill have a real update soon.

I havent had time to write much since school has been kicking my ass.

But i have another book that has quite a lot of chapters already written so starting tomorrow. Ill be posting that book.

So you guys dont have to wait so long on this book.


Ill let you guys know when i post it 💙

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