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After the ambulance took you and Taehyung to the hospital, you were released with only cuts and bruises. As for Taehyung, he was told to stay over night just incase of having more seizures.

You told Taehyung you would be right back. You went to go see Jimin, who was surprisingly awake and doing okay.

Before the crash, Taehyung had gotten a call from the hospital stating that Jimin was freaking out, trying to run out of the hospital, being stubborn and screaming that he wanted to speak with his mother.

The nurses had given him something to help him fall asleep.

All these drugs they've given him had started to make him go crazy.

When you arrived to his room, you saw him scarfing down a plate full of food.

His cheeks were ever so stuffed and eyes ever so wide.

"Y/n!" He shouted but helplessly failed since all you heard was gibberish from the amount of food stuffed in his mouth.

"I see your feeling better." You smile, sitting down next to him.

He nodded energetically and put his food to the side.

"What happened to you?" He asked, noticing the cuts all over your arms and face.

"I was in an accident, but im fine." Jimin shot up straight, wide eyes.

"Accident? Are you okay? How? When? Were you alone?" He shot out many questions.

"Yes car accident, and yes im okay. Not really sure how it happened, there were three cars involved. Yesterday around sevenish and no, i was with Taehyung." Jimin rose an eyebrow.

"Taehyung? Is he hurt? Where is he?" Jimin was surprising extemely worried.

"He had to stay over night, i stayed with him. He keeps having sudden seizures so there thinking about keeping him until they think its okay for him to go home." Jimin looked down at his hands, frowning.

"Are you okay?" You asked him.

"I-I had this dream.. about Taehyung.." He mumbled out.

"Can you maybe tell me about it..?" He looked at you with sorrow.

"He said this was all his fault... He blamed himself... He was hurting.." He looked like he was hesitating to continue speaking.

"Is it b-bad that I want to h-hug him and tell him how wrong he is.. even though it was all just a.. dream..?" You gave him this sweet adoring smile.

"Jimin, that's most definitely not a bad thing. I think he would love to hear your voice." Jimin smiled to himself, showing a bit of blush.

"Are you blushing?" Jimin quickly straightened his body and scoffed.

"Blushing? What no." He layed on his side facing away from you. He didn't want you to see how red his cheeks were.


Jimins Pov

Why must i blush so much? Its so embarrassing.

Y/n... She's sitting right here, next to me and all i can think about is Taehyung.

I want to go and see him, tell him nothing is his fault.

Even though he might think I'm weird for talking to him about something he may not actually feel or know

He may not even feel like it's his fault, yet i have this strong feeling that i still need speak up.

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