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Once you and Jimin shared your first kiss, you got so shy around him.

You made the night awkward when you kept bumping into. Skin grazing each other.

You decided to go to bed early but in the guess bedroom besides Jimins.

He understood you being uncomfortable so he let it slide.

You sat on the bed with a warm smile.

Did you really feel that way with Jimin?

You have spent alot of time with him the past couple of weeks.

Spending minute by minute together, but did that mean it finally caused you see him differently?

Just then your phone went off.

Jungkookie: hey, how have you been?

For some reason your heart fluttered from the message. He texted you..

Did he miss you?

How could he possibly miss me? He doesn't even know who i am...

You: hey! im great, how are you?

Jungkookie: good, im so lonely, all my friends took off.

You: ah, so thats why you texted .. but why dont you go out and find someone ... ;)

Jungkookie: yeah, well there was someone that i was interested in, but a few weeks ago... she just stopped all contact with me

and im to embarrassed to face her, shes seen me at a low time, and now that we have spoken. Its just weird..

You: im sure if you just made your move, you'd be fine. who may this special girl be?

Jungkookie: can I trust you? how do i know if you may know her?

You: even if i do, i can keep a secret.. ;)

Jungkookie: & so can i :) sorry.

This boy, could he really have a crush on you? Or maybe your just over thinking and its another girl he's talking of.

You: goodnight kookie :)

You fell asleep moments later with thr thoughts of both Jimin sleeping in the room over and Jungkook the guy who you have likes for years.


You woke up to the smell of pancakes.

You rolled out of bed, heading down to the kitchen to find Jimin standing there flipping pancakes.

He was singing. He sounded beautiful.

He slowlu turned around and saw me standing there watching him.

"Oo! Y/n you scared me!" He jumped back laughing.

"Im sorry, i didnt mean to. I just havent heard you sing since..." He gives you a weak smile before placing pancakes on a plate.

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