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"Oh my gosh Taehyung!" Jimin screamed jumping towards Taehyung, putting his hand on his wound.

"Who the hell are you!?" Jimin screamed in anger.

"Oh Jimin, how must you not recognized my voice?" Jimin rolled his eyes and held up Taehyung just in case he would fall back.

"Stop playing and get to the point, who are you?" The man took off his mask revealing himself.

"Uncle ?" Jimin questioned.

"Ah yes, now recognize me." Jimin looked at Taehyung.

"Try not to move okay?" Taehyung nodded and Jimin stood up.

"Why are you here, shooting at us? What the hell do you want?" Jimin shouted, stepping towards his uncle.

"You and your friends killed my brother, the only family i had left." He stepped forward aiming the gun at Jimin.

"He was going to kill my friend, even left me for dead, he was anything but family. You had me, we are family." Jimins uncle shook his head no and stepped even closer.

"We're no where near family, Park Jimin." He goes to aim at Taehyung, just as he was about to shoot, Jimin jumped at him causing him to drop the gun.

The gun was close enough where Taehyung could crawl little ways to grab it. He tried his best to move, fighting through the pain in his side.

Jimin for a minute had his uncle in hold, but he managed to flip Jimin over and start punching him.

Taehyung reached the gun and aimed it at the Jimins uncle and immediately shot him.

Jimins uncle fell to the side, falling off of Jimin.

Taehyung threw the gun and feel back onto the floor, hitting his head on the ground and immediatly passing out.

Jimin rushed to his side so fast, he didn't even care about the small cuts that were made when sliding against the ground.

"Jimin!" Y/n saw both Jimin and Taehyung, with Jungkook appearing behind her.

They both ran to there sides, y/n grabbing Taehyung.

Even though they didn't talk as much, he was officially the only family member by blood she had left who actually cared for her.

"W-what happened?" Y/n cried to Jimin while Jungkook was in shook from the sight.

"C-call 911.." Y/n cried to Jimin.

"No one's calling 911." Jimins uncle was standing, with blood all over his side. He fired the gun which shot y/n in the arm.

Jungkook and Jimin both screamed her name, Jungkook lunging at her.

Y/n was a crying mess, while Jimin stood up and faced his uncle.

"Leave them alone. Just leave them alone." Jimin spoke up, catching his uncles attention.

"All of this, this is all my fault. So please just leave them alone and.. and kill me.." Jungkook kissed y/n on the cheek real quick and stood up.

"No don't kill him, Im the one that caused his mothers death, im the reason for this mess.. So if your going to kill anyone,have it be me." Jungkook stepped forward, y/n reaching out with her good arm and held his ankle.

"Jungkook, d-dont!" She cried, begging for the boy she loved to stop immediately.

He looked down, pulled his leg softly but with enough force for her to let go.

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