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"So.. Y/n, how have you been?" Jungkook nervously asks, sitting in the back seat. Taehyung made him sit back there because he wanted you to sit upfront with him.

"Ive been better, not that you'd care.." Taehyung sighed while Jungkook automatically felt guilt.

"I do care." You shook your head feeling angry, to you he didnt care, because if he did he wouldnt have dodged you for a full week without at least talking about it.

"Liar."Jungkook huffed out, laying back into his seat.

"You guys want to go see a movie?" Taehyung chirped in, trying to break the awkward tension.

"No" both you and Jungkook blurted out.

"Fine- then." Taehyung pulled over in the car and told you and Jungkook to get out.

"But Hyu-" "Out Jungkook!" Taehyung snapped, reaching over to open your door.

"Now go. You guys can walk." He said as you both stepped out, watching his car take off.

Great, Taehyungs house is like a 20 minute walk.

You looked over to see Jungkook staring blankly at you and you rolled your eyes.

You began to walk to Taehyungs house, leaving Jungkook behind.

"Y/n Im sorry." You ignored him and continued walking.

"Y/n!" Ignored

"Hello? I get that your mad at me, but you don't have to be rude." You stopped, turning to face him.

"Rude? Do you not realise that, thats all you been to me since Jimin came back? Like i get it, he came back and i understand a few days would ve reasonable to think, but then to ignore all my messaged and calls then when Taehyung would tell you to talk to me, you say how you dont want to so rudely, i told you how I would bring you down and you still refused to let me go, and when you kissed me. I felt so lucky that you went against what i said.. That maybe the way you actually said you felt was something i could count on. Then you completely ignore me for a week, then show up to my house saying how you were forced to come with Taehyung. Yeah... Im the one being rude." You finished your rant, and turned on your heals and headed forwards.

"Y/n.." You didnt realise but you were crying. So you were slowling down, as he caught up to you and grabbed your hand.

"Look, I wasnt sure what to say to you okay, the guy you are inlove with showed up the moment we finally actually had our moment.. how exactly did you want me to respond to that?" He wiped the tears from your cheeks and watched your reaction to it.

"Jungkook, stop trying to say what i feel because in reality, im the only one who truly knows. And im telling you im not inlove with him." You pushed passed him and instead of walking you decided to call Taehyung.

"Come pick me Taehyung." You said, firmly.

"No, you have feet and legs. You can walk." You shook your head and this time you were mad.

"You know what, I dont want to stay with you. Im going back home. Drop my stuff back off later." And with that you hung up, turning around and heading back to your place which wad onlt a few minutes away.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked.

"My home." He sighed not sure of which to keep walking to Taehyungs or follow you.

He ended up following you all the way home.

But once you reached your house, you slammed the door in Jungkooks face.

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