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Taeyungs Pov

As I walked into Hyunjins house, i was immediatly met with a house full of loud shouts and damage.

"Oh shit.." Jin shot up from his chair and pulled Namjoon off of a whining Hoseok.

"What ar-" Jin covered Namjoons mouth and pointed at the door where Taehyung stood.

He quickly straightened himself up and gave Hoseok a hand up with a secretive glare that meant he wasn't done with him.

Y/n just stood there with Yoongi behind her, bothing looking surprised and worried.

As for Jungkook, Jimin and Hyunjin, Jungkook was standing in front of Jimin as Hyunjin was trying to block Jimin.

"Whats going on? Why is everyone fighting?" I asked pretty loudly, that i think i saw Y/n and Jin jump from the sudden pitch.

"Well, we tried to throw a small nice and sweet party for you, but Jimin here had to fuck it all up!" Jungkook motioned towards Jimin, almost attacking him but Hyunjin covering Jimin.

"Jungkook, Jimin didnt do anything!" Y/n tried to grab Jungkooks arm but he rudely yanked his arm away and walked towards me.

"Tell your ex-lover to watch his damn back." Then he walked past me and out the door, slamming it.

"Ex- lover?" Hyunjin asked, voice confused and sad as he backed away from covering Jimin.

"You and Jimin? He's the one tha-" Hyunjin lunged and punched Jimin in the face, causing him to fly to the ground.

Y/n jumped from it and rushed down to Jimin.

"What the hell!" I shouted, rushing to Jimins side, seeing as he wasnt responding to y/n.

"I want you all out of my house now!" Hyunjin shouted, pointing to the door.

Y/n and I tried and succeeded in picking Jimin up, seeing as he is well built and godly made.

Stop, what are you saying? He's hurt, your mad at him, your boyfriend is feet away.

"Taehyung, stay." Hyunjin demanded.

I wasnt going to listen but, it was the right thing to do.

Once everyone left, Hyunjin walked up to me and surprisingly, he hugged me.

"Im so sorry, i invited someone so horrible."

"I wouldnt have invited him if i knew he was the guy that hurt you."

"Im so sorry" I was unsure of what say, other than it was okay.

But even saying that, he wouldnt stop speaking of it and continued to apologize.

"All I wanted was a nice night, where you could -"

"Please stop!" I couldn't take it, i know hes only feeling terrible and trying to apologize but i cant hear it.

"I get it, you're sorry, but please stop talking about it. Its over, its done. Just leave it." He backed away from me, confused expression.

"Are you okay?" He asked with worry in his tone, eyes locking with mine, trying to connected with the emotions i may be feeling.

It took me awhile to answer, because all i could think about was Jimin, being here.

"Jimin, I've noticed how everytime either him or y/n is brought up you and Jungkook act odd. Could it be your still into him?" He stepped closer grabbing my hand sweetly.

"Honestly, he hurt me. He pained me in ways i didnt know could hurt. He let me down, criticized my sexuality." He nodded, understanding what was being said.

"But over all, i do miss him. I miss having him around. I miss seeing him smile, I miss his accidentally small tiny hands nearing mine when we walked, the slight blush that crept up on his delicate chubby cheeks.

"Your smiling." Hyunjin pointed out, smiling sweetly but looking as if he was hurt.

"I always smile." He shook his head and lowered it.

"You give small glum smiles that most of the time looked forced. Never an actual cute boxy smile." My cheeks started to heat, the embarrassment of being exposed to fake smiling.

"Taehyung, I love you." My heart stopped, knowing how he felt, yet also knowing how i felt.

He sighed letting go of my hand softly.

"And its because I love you, that i need to let you go. Let you be with the one you love. I want you to be genuinely happy." This boy, making my heart break, knowing ive broken his. His kind words he is sharing, being as strong as he can be.

"HyunJ-" he shushed me and grinned hurtingly.

"Ill see you around." He gave me a soft delicate lingering kiss on the cheek, and started to walk to the kitchen to clean up.

"Why don't I help you clean up?" I began to walk toward the mess, that is until he stopped me with his words.

"Im really trying to make this as easy as possible, but your making it difficult for me to. Taehyung, i beg you. Just go,i got this." From the sound of the cracking in his voice and the sniffles he tried to hide, i knew he was upset.

"Im so sorry this happened. You really are such a fantastic guy, and you deserve someone who is also fantastic and much more." He turned his head to look back at me.

"Yeah, I had that." And with that he looked away and turn to walk upstairs.

"Just go." Was his last words before i found myself feeling pained and guilty, walking out his front door.


Heres your update.

Thought I would throw in more Hyunjin.

And god, i LOVE HyunJin, i felt so sad writing this😭.


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