Chapter 10- Helping Layla

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Adrian jumped back and bumped into Angeline, upsetting her "Adrian!" she barked after he interrupted her feeding. She looked over his shoulder and saw Layla's eyes, and widened her own eyes after seeing the whiteness of her eyes. "What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know..."

"They're here..." Layla spoke slowly. She was feeling confused and shook her head, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind. She looked at Adrian and Angeline, then down to the man on the ground. She kneeled, closed her eyes and ran her hands over his face before placing a hand over the wound. She spoke quietly to him as she began healing the evidence, and to bring him back to life. Her eyes opened once she felt him come alive and helped him up "Go... get out of here, and leave as fast as you can." she demanded.

She looked over Adrian's shoulder and saw someone walking quickly across the room, she raised her arm and pointed "There's one."

Adrian and Angeline both turned their heads to see what she was pointing at, and stepped back "Shit..." Adrian muttered "Where the fuck is Alaric?"

Angeline looked at everyone who were still oblivious as to what was going on, and stepped closer to Layla. She waved her hand in front of Layla's face as Layla kept her eyes on the mysterious person who was walking "Layla... we need to get these people to safety."

"You two work on that, I'm going after him." she said, as she quickly walked away from her.

Angeline looked at Adrian, shrugging her shoulders not knowing what to think, or say. She knew that if anything were to happen to Layla, Alaric would come unglued, and would blame them for allowing it to happen "Come on, lets do what we can..."

Alaric was in the woods, in the middle of feeding when he felt something was wrong "Shit, Layla." he said as he pulled away from the woman's neck. He sat her down, looked in her eyes, and snapped her out of the daze she was in. "What happened?" she asked, sounding disoriented.

"I think the heat got to you. Just drink this, you'll be alright." he said handing her a bottle of water.

He could hear Layla's cry for help, looked at the woman, and apologized to her that he had to leave. He focused in on where Layla was at, and headed to her. He figured out where she was, and felt a little relief knowing that his brother and sister were there.

Adrian and Angeline saw more treachers come into the bar, both knew they were after Layla, stopped what they were doing and went after them.

Layla was in her own state of mind as she followed the man, he felt Layla's presence behind him and quickly turned around. He began to laugh when he saw her eyes glowing at him "You rookie, you have no idea what you're doing."

"I don't?" she questioned with a smirk, slowly walking closer to him. She heard a noise behind her, turned around and glared at the treacher standing behind her. She shot a flame at him, throwing him into the air. She then quickly turned around, looked at the other treacher and glared at him. Her eyes glowed even brighter, and was about to shoot a flame at him, until she found herself flying into the air, and landing on the other end of the bar.

Adrian flew over to the treacher from behind, knocking it to the ground, and grabbed a hold of his neck, snapping it. He stood up, looked around and saw another one coming towards him, his fangs came out and flew forward, attacking him, and killing him.

Layla opened her eyes and saw that a treacher was hovering over her. She was feeling low on energy and tried getting out of his hold as he picked her up. He started dragging her over towards the exit door, and was then attacked. The treacher dropped Layla's arms, fell on top of her, and was then pulled away from her.

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