2• Fake jerk

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"You dug your own grave." I said, smirking as I walked past him but I stopped when I felt his hand grab mine.

"You are so going to regret this Nandini Murthy." He said in his not so sweet voice.

I slightly turned my head and looked at his hand which was on my wrist and then I looked at him. "Yea go on make me regret it. "

"You sure are an idiotic stubborn head." He sneered. Like seriously! What did he call me? An idiotic stubborn head. What does he think of himself?

"And you are an arrogant monster." I fake smiled as I yanked my hand free from his grip. But I regretted it the very next moment as I was pulled into a back hug.

My breath hitched, my body stiffened and my heartbeat suddenly increased with the sudden pull. I could feel his hot breath fanning against my neck, giving me a jittery feeling. We were very close and by close I mean very close.

My stupid heart was beating so fast and I feared that he might have felt it too.

I wriggled, trying to get out of his grip but his hold was way too tight. "Leave me Manik." I said, trying hard to keep my breathing normal.

But he just tighten his hold even more and I squeezed my eyes shut, totally irritated.

"Honey let me show you your underwear." He whispered in my ears and my eyes opened wide on his lines. I wriggled even more and his hold around me just tightened instead of loosening.

His one hand slowly crawled down my right arm and his touch made me squirm. "Shall I show it to you?" He whispered right over my ears and my heart did a double take.

I couldn't lose so easily. In a swift movement I dug my sharp nails on his left hand which were around my waist. He wailed softly in pain and his hold loosened. Taking the opportunity, I got out of his hold.

"You arrogant fake jerk. " I shouted, glaring at him and he glared back at me. He looked really angry and trust me I had never seen him this angry.

Whenever I saw him in award functions or in any kind of film fare, he always wore a smile on his face, a kind of smile that never reached his eyes. Even when he won the best male actor 2018 award he had that fake smile on his face. I found him fake but it was my first time seeing him angry.

"Right I am fake." He shouted. His intense voice send shivers down my spine and I stepped back.

Right then I heard a knock on the door. I looked at Manik and then the door. I immediately rushed to open the door and as soon as I opened the door I saw my manager Navya and his manager Cabir standing at the door.

They both immediately entered inside, pushing me inside in the mean time and they abruptly shut the door.

But I cared less about them. Manik's voice had still been ringing in my ears and I stood there blankly looking at their faces.

"What's with all this marriage thing?" Navya stepped forward, looking at me and then turning her gaze to Manik. My gaze followed hers and seeing his face I knew his anger hadn't calmed down yet.

"It was just a drunken mistake." I said, trying to maintain a calm composure.

"Manik you drank?" Cabir looked rather worried.

"Cabir I am fine. Don't worry." Manik's emotion suddenly softened. Wow one word from Cabir and his anger suddenly vanished. But why do I still feel so much tension in the environment?

"Your dad has ordered you to bring Nandini home." Cabir said and I could hear Manik sigh.

"I don't need to go to visit them. We can just tell everyone the truth." I said, trying to avoid Manik's gaze.

"It's not as easy as you think Nandini. The reporters and paparazzi are all over the hotel, waiting for you guys to show up and if you guys simply confess the truth then too it will ruin both your image. And we can't afford that." Navya reasoned.

And she did have a point. Huff this situation is so frustrating.

"How about you guys pretend to be couples?" Cabir said.

"What did you just say?" Manik and I said in unison. I couldn't believe my ears that time.

"Pretend to be a couple." Cabir said pressurizing each and every word.

"Never." Our voice again collided. I looked at him and he looked at me but we immediately averted our gaze towards Cabir.

"This is the only best way. You guys got married after all and to officially break this marriage you guys need to register your marriage and then after a month you guys can file a divorce. That will be convenient." Cabir tried reasoning and he did have a point.

"I second Cabir." Navya said, looking at both of us hopefully. "And moreover the shoot for your new movie is starting next week and the shoot will be over within one and a half month. Till then you guys can pretend. It will be easier that way."

Navya had a point too. Huff I get convinced so easily. But then why did I need to pretend that to with him?

I was speechless. I just stood there looking at Manik's blank face.

"Manik and you know how your dad is? He wants you to bring her home." Cabir said as he patted Manik's shoulder.

"Okay I am ready to pretend." Manik said after a few moment of silence.

"I am ready too." I gave in too. Gosh I am so annoyed. "But I have one condition. You can't touch me except for while we are shooting."

"Who would want to touch you?" He sneered. "I wouldn't even look at you."

"Yea don't even look at me. If you do I will make sure to take both your eyeballs out." I snapped as I looked away. Annoying jerk.

"How are we going to handle them?" I heard Cabir say.

"Our life is going to be really busy and messy." Navya let out a sigh as she gently patted his shoulder.

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