3• Moving in

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An early update for you all ❤

One week later

I adjusted the duppatta of my kurti a bit before stepping out of his car. I looked at the huge mansion in front of my eyes, which was now my so called home.

I turned my gaze to Manik. He had been busy taking out my suitcase from the car. We had registered our marriage and we were now legally wedded. Sigh!

"You have already met my parents. So don't be nervous." Manik said as he came beside me with my suitcase. It was easy said than done. I had met his parents a few days ago but the atmosphere around was so cold. It was as if there was a cold war going on inside the family. Sigh!

I just smiled nervously before ascending the stairs and standing in front of the huge door. Manik rang the doorbell several times and after a few moments the door flung open and there stood my temporary mother-in-law, Nyonika with a pooja thali in her hand and a bright smile on her face.

She did our aarti and then I hit the kalash filled with rice that had been kept on the door steps and entered inside. Huff I seriously hate this rituals and I am not even his permanent wife. So why was I doing all this?

"I know you two got married in the church but still we have our own tradition. So Manik make her wear this." Aunty said as she handed a nuptial chain from to Manik.

Manik came and stood behind me. He slowly moved my hair to the other side and as he did that his fingers brushed against my neck several times, creating a kind of ticklish sensation. He gently tied the chain around my neck while I stood there, frozen.

"This as well." She forwarded him the vermilion box. He looked at me for a few seconds before stepping forward and filling my hair partition.

I couldn't help but think this nuptial chain around my neck and this vermilion on my neck were all temporary.

Chucking away my thoughts, I bent down and touched her feet and so did Manik. "Be happy." She blessed us.

"You guys must be hungry. Let's eat. I have made some of your favorite dishes Nandini." Nyonika aunty said.

My face immediately lit up on the mention of food. Food was something which I could never resist. I followed aunty and Manik up to the dinning room and on the table were served some of my favorite dishes.

"Aalu gobi and matar paneer." I was already drooling over the food. "How did you know that it was my favorite?" I asked, happily.

"Manik told me." She smiled and I was shocked. How did he know? I looked at him while his eyes had been fixed to the table.

"Let's eat." Manik said as he sat down on the chair. I looked around, confused. The dinning table was long and I bet there were approximately fourteen chairs but I didn't know where to sit. Well I could sit anywhere but then I knew this house had some rules and pattern of it's own.

"Nandini." I looked up at Manik who had called me. "Sit beside me." He said as he pulled the seat beside him. He had probably sensed my confusion.

I gladly took the seat and with a few chitchats we finished our meal. "I love your cooking aunty." She was really a great cook and everything tasted so amazing.

"I am glad you loved it." She smiled.

"My mum used to be a chef." Manik said, proudly. The word used to hit me hard but I didn't ask him anything.

"Aunty can you teach me to cook too?" I asked hopefully. It wasn't like I didn't know how to cook but I was horrible especially in guessing the proportion of spices needed in the food.

"I may teach you too but I have one condition." She said as she leaned on her chair.

"And what's that?" I asked, curiously.

"Call me maa instead of aunty."

I bit my lower lips deliberately and smiled. "Okay maa."

"That's like a good girl."

"Maa but I thought only I had the copyright of calling you maa." Manik faked sadness and trust me he looked so cute that time.

"And who gave you that copyright?" She
stood up from her chair and came towards us.

"Maa that's so unfair." Manik complained and she gently ruffled his hair.

"But I don't think it is and Nandini whenever he troubles you, make sure to tell me.

"Okay maa." I said, smiling widely.

"Okay now you guys go and rest. I will clean up."

"Maa let me help."

"No not today. And Cabir told me that you guys had to shoot an exclusive interview today." She said and that was when I remembered.

"Oh right! we had promised Alya that we would shoot an exclusive interview with her."

That day in the hotel, Alya was the one who kept all the reporters busy and thanks to her we could easily get away but in return she had asked for an exclusive interview of us. Sigh!

"Let's rest until Cabir arrives." Manik said as he held my shoulder and walked to the door, pushing me along.

After we were out of the dinning room, he immediately left my shoulders. "Don't get the wrong idea. I touched you just to bring you out of there because we have a script to prepare." He said.

"Did I say anything?" I said as I dusted away my shoulders, trying to show him that I was undoing his touch.

"Yea whatever." He said before climbing up the stairs and I followed him upstairs. When we were just about enter a room, probably his room. His father came out from the other room that was just a few miles away from his.

Now I was confused as to what I should be doing? Should I like a sanskari daughter-in-law put my duppatta on my head and then go and touch his feet? Geez never it's not my style. Then should I just greet him from here only?

I uselessly used my precious brain for thinking because I didn't need to do anything as his father again went inside the room right after seeing us. Strange.


And are you all liking the plot? Or is it too plane?

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