13. I will hold onto you a thousand of times

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Manik turned to leave but I back hugged him and I could feel his body stiffen a bit.

Resting my head on his back, I let out a slow breath and asked,"So will you be my whole story?"

A moment of silence prevailed between us. I so wanted him say 'yes' but I knew what his answer would be.






He hesitated for exactly five seconds before he opened his mouth and said in a low tone, "I am sorry." His voice was low but I heard it. I had expected that kind of reply from him but still it hurt.

"What if I say I am falling for you?" I said as I slowly loosened my hold on his waist and let go of him.

"Don't fall for me Nandini. I am not worth this." I could clearly hear the sadness in his voice. He was pushing me away. Sigh!

I stepped forward and gently held his hand but he didn't dare turn, probably because he didn't want to fall weak after seeing me.

"You hesitated for exactly five seconds before answering me. So for those five precious seconds I won't give up so easily." Holding his hand, I came in front of him. His eyes met mine and I could see the sadness crystal clear in his eyes.

Tightening my hold on his hand, I said, "You can push me away a thousand of times and I will hold onto you a thousand of times."

"The next shot is ready." One of the crew member shouted from a distance, looking at us.

"We are coming." Manik shouted back before pulling away his hand from mine and walking away.

I looked at him walking away from me and it did hurt but I wasn't so easily going to give up on him.

I took out my phone and dialed Navya's number. Right after two rings she picked up.

"Na-" She didn't even let me speak.

"Nandini we will be reaching the shooting location in ten minutes. We wrapped up the meeting nicely and we are on our way. So until we reach, just till then bear him. Okay?" Navya blabbered from the other side of the phone.

"Navya just take a U turn."

"Huh?" She was probably confused.
"Don't come to the shooting location today. Cabir is with you right?"

"Yea he is driving but what-"

"Tell him to take a U turn. You both can go wherever you like but just don't come to the shooting location. Just make whatever excuse you guys want to but please don't come here. Please do me this favor." I said as I walked slowly.

"The shot's ready. Come fast." I heard Abhi shout.

"Then how-" Navya started but I cut her in the middle.

"I promise I won't pick fight with Manik and I will be careful not to get caught by cameras. So please do me this favor. Now I am hanging up. Okay?" I said it in a rush before hanging up the phone and rushing towards the shot scene.

"Nandini what took you so long?" Abhi said.

"I am sorry." I apologized while one of the makeup artist fixed my hair a bit.

"Nevermind. You remember all your lines perfectly. Right?"

I nodded my head in 'yes'. I then went and sat on the fifth bench. I looked at Manik who almost immediately averted his gaze from me. I couldn't help but smile. He had been looking at me.

"Rolling, Lights, Camera and Action."

I pretended to be sleepy as I listened to the lecture of the professor. At one point my eyes completely closed.

"May we come in sir." A loud voice of someone hit my ears and I opened my eyes, shaking my head continuously, trying to keep myself awake.

"Jiya focus." I told myself as I dabbed my cheeks lightly with my hand and looked ahead, only to see a familiar pair of eyes looking at me. 

"He is that boy from the corridor." I said to myself as I looked at him. He entered the classroom with two of his friends, his eyes never leaving mine.

He sat on the fifth desk of the next row with his friends and I looked away from him, feeling conscious.

The professor continued with his lecture and I again started feeling sleepy. I looked to my side and I realized he still had been staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I touched face but nothing seemed wrong. I again cut a glance to him and his eyes were still on me.

I averted my gaze towards the professor, hoping that he would do the same. I glanced at him again. He was still watching me and instead of feeling uncomfortable, I rather felt blushy. I could see his friends laughing silently while looking at him but he wasn't at all concerned about that. He kept on staring me.

"What's wrong with him?" I said as I placed my hands on either side of my cheeks.

I looked at him again and this time I stared right back at him.

"Hold the staring session for few more seconds." I heard Abhi say.

I kept on staring at him and he did the same too. It was actually fun to stare at his face.

"Okay." Abhi said and that was when Manik smiled and averted his gaze from me to the professor.

"Ian are you done staring at her?" I could hear one of his friend say to him. He hit his friend on his stomach with his elbow.

"What was all that about?" I said to myself as I smiled like an idiot. "Ian. He has a nice name."

"Okay Cut." Abhi said. "You guys did a good job. Keep up the good work."

I got up from the bench, stretching my arms. I was done for the day. Now only a few scenes of Manik were left, then he was done too.

I walked up to Manik, who had been reading his script. I sat beside him and that made him look at me.

"Shall I help you practice your script?" I smiled.

"No it's not needed." He said, looking back at his script. "You are done for the day. So you can go first."

"No I will leave with you and in fact Navya and Cabir had some other errands to run. So we are by ourselves today."

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