17. Don't blame yourself

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I rang the doorbell and as I waited for the door to open I surfed through the internet regarding the articles of the press conference.

Most of the articles of the press conference were in our favour but there were still a lot of negative comments (especially about me) on the SNS and internet. Sigh!

"Nandini you know right we can sue them." Manik said as he took the phone from my hand.

"I don't want to do that." I said as I took back my phone. "And I am fine." I lied.

He let out a sigh and held my hand. "I need you. I am not okay. Can you hold me? I don't think these words are that hard to say.

Those were the exact same words that I had told him a few days ago. I shot him a glare, more like an accusing glare. "Copy cat. You can never be original, can you?"

"C'mon Nandini don't go on the lines. See my sincere emotions behind it." He said as he rang the doorbell.

"You are just so so so-" I trailed off, searching for an exact word.

"So so what?" He asked as he caressed my knuckles a bit.

"So so-" Right then I heard the door open. I turned my head to look at the door only to see Manik's dad standing on the door. Manik's hold on my hand loosened and I could feel my inside squirm.

"We need to talk. Come in my study room." Manik's dad said coldly and I gulped.

Manik stood still for a second before leaving my hand and walking inside. "Nandini go upstairs. I-"

"I need to talk with Nandini too." His dad cut him in middle just like the last time.

"Dad it's bet-"

"That's my final word." His dad again cut him in middle.

"Not this time dad." Manik contradicted firmly and his dad turned to look at him. I could see Manik fisting his hand and I knew he was scared inside.

"What did you-" His dad started but this time Manik cut him in middle.

"Dad it's between us and I don't want Nandini to be involved." He said firmly. Although he was trying act strong but I knew his insides were shaking. With much courage I walked upto Manik and held his fisted hand and that made him look at me.

"What have you done to my son?" I heard his dad's venom filled voice and the next moment I heard the shattering sound of glass.

I closed my eyes in fear and tightened my hold on Manik's hand.

"Raj what are you doing?" Nyonika maa's panick striken voice hit my ears and I opened my eyes only to see her rushing down the stairs.

"Nyonika you stay out of this." His dad shouted as he glared at me but Manik came in between me and his dad and blocked my view.

"Dad please."

"Raj please let's-" Nyonika maa couldn't even complete.

"You have got the guts to speak against me now." His dad was enraged. "Have you even seen her status? She is famous for getting into scandals. She is fake, pretentious, petty-."

"Dad stop it." Manik shouted. I could feel my eyes tearing up. Every word his dad said hurt me.

"Please dad please." Manik pleaded as his hold on my hand tightened.

The next moment I heard clacking sound.

"Manikk." Nyonika maa's loud voice hit my ears and my heart jumped in fear. The wooden vase was on the ground, just a few feets away from my feet. I raised my head only to see blood oozing out of Manik's right cheek.

Drop by drop the tears that I had been holding back flowed down my cheeks.

"Raj enough is enough." Nyonika maa came in front of Manik and covered him. "For god sake let him live now."

"Nyonika don't come in between us. I am doing all this for his own good. He doesn't know-"

"Dad do you think I am living?" Manik stepped forward. "No dad. It's suffocating.  I can not act the way I want. I can not live for my dreams. I can not-"

"Those dreams you are talking about are no less than trash. You really have become useless." His dad snapped.

"Uncle stop it." I shouted. "You are killing him this way. Do you even know how much he has struggled to get till here?" His dad tried interrupting but this time I raised my voice."Do you even know what impact your words have on him? For god sake he is not your toy. He is your son and he just- aaahh" A wail escaped my mouth and my eyes automatically shut close when I was hit by an object.

"Nandinii." Manik pulled me in his embrace.

"You both go upstairs. I will handle him." I heard Nyonika maa say.

"You aren't going anywhere. This girl can not stay in this house anymore."

The very next moment Manik scooped me in his arms and I just hid myself in his chest. I was scared.

"I can't stay here anymore dad." I heard Manik say before he walked out of the house with me in his arms.

Moments later he put me down and opened the car door with his one hand while his other hand was wrapped around my waist. I looked at him with my teary eyes. "I am sorry." I whispered.

"It's  not your fault. It never was." He  whispered placing me on the passenger seat.

"But whatever happened inside-" A lump formed on my throat and I cried harder.

He took  the driver seat and said softly. "Nandini it wasn't your fault."

Although he was hurt he was trying to act strong in front of me. I cried harder when my eyes fell on his cheek. I hurriedly took out my handkerchief from my side bag. I climbed onto his lap and he helped me.

I gently pressed his cheek while his fingers brushed away my tears. He gently touched the side of my forehead where I had been hit.

"I am sorry." His voice was low.

"You shouldn't be. You have done nothing wrong." I said as I hiccuped. "Why did you cover me Manik? If you hadn't covered me, you wouldn't have got hurt."

"Nandini I didn't get hurt because of you. So don't you dare blame yourself." He tried making me understand. "Okay?"

I didn't say anything I just silently cried as I wiped away his blood.

He held my hand and then pulled me in his embrace, patting my back slowly. "Nandini if you blame yourself then I will never be able to forgive myself. So please don't blame yourself."

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