15. Sealing my words

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"You know Manik all my life I have only faced betrayals. I have lost the once that I have loved but I don't want to lose you. I want to hold onto you and I don't think I can stop myself." Her words hit me hard and I closed my eyes in frustration. I could feel a knot form in my chest.

And I didn't even realise when tears began swaying down my eyes. That moment I knew only she had the key to open my locked up heart.

She tightened her hold around me and I could feel her warmth sink inside me.

"Why me Nandini?" I asked as I pushed her away a bit and looked at her.

"Are you a fool? You still don't know why I am acting like this?" She said with a straight face looking right into my eyes.

"I don't know. I am at least trying not to know it." I harshly wiped my tears with the back of my palm.

"Why can't you just hold me?" Her voice softened and I could see her eyes overflowing with countless emotions all at once.

I didn't answer. I decided to shut my feelings up yet again. I took a step back to leave but her voice made me stop. "Manik it hurts when you walk away from me. It really hurts."

I looked at her and I could see tears in her eyes. Just seeing her tears made my inside squeeze and I couldn't control myself. "You are driving me crazy. The way I act these days, I am not used to these things. And I hate this side of me. But still I am not able to stop myself and I hate it."

"Do you hate me that much?" She said. She was hurt. I could see it.

"I want to hate you but I think I am doing just the opposite of it." I said, defeated. Her eyes were fixed on me and I too didn't look away from her.

A moment of silence prevailed between us before I continued, "My world might seem luxurious and happy go but it's suffocating inside. I am a mess but still I want to hold you so badly-" I clenched my fist.
"But I don't think it's the right thing to do."

"Do it. Just do it. Hold onto me. I am also a mess." She said.

"If I hold onto you, you won't be able to walk out from my life for a long time."

"I am already not able to walk out and I don't want to walk out too." I knew she meant each and every word that she said and although I knew I shouldn't hold onto her. Yet I stepped a step ahead, the step that she wanted me to take. I gently held her by her shoulder.

"Will you really be okay if I hold onto you?" I asked, softly.

"If I say 'yes' will you hold onto me?"

I nodded my head in 'yes' looking at her as I gently held her face in between my palms and wiped away her tears with my thumb finger.

"Do you sincerely mean it?" She asked, looking at me intently.

"I sincerely mean it." I said as I gently caressed her cheeks with my fingers.

"How can I believe that you won't go back on your words?" She paused for a second. "Prove me that you won't back out."

"I am sealing my own words." I said before bending down to her level and capturing her lips into a soft kiss.

I was scared to hold onto her. I was scared to let her in. I was scared to death, I really was. But the moment my lips touched hers, thousand of sparks evoked within me and I knew she was the only one for me.

We pulled over after a while and looked into each other's eyes. I gently rubbed my nose against her nose and she smiled before pecking my lips again.

"Your words are sealed now." She reminded me and I gently kissed her hair. She hugged me tightly, resting her head right over the area of my heart.

"Manik you know right-" she raised her head a bit. "We are married."

"I know. Why?"

She looked at me for brief second before nodding her head indicating nothing.

What was she about to say?

Right then my phone vibrated and just a second later I could feel her phone vibrate too. I slowly let her go as I took out my phone from my pocket and she did the same.

Cabir's name flashed on my phone screen. I looked at her phone only to see Navya's name flashing on her phone screen.

"Why are they calling us all of a sudden?" She looked at me and then again on her phone screen.

"I have no idea." I said before picking up the call.

"Manik where are you right now?" He sounded a bit tensed.

"I am still at the shoot location. Why?" I asked.

"Have you checked the recently uploaded article about you guys?"

"No. Why? What happened?"

"Just get out of that place right now. I bet the entertainment reporters might be arriving any moment." He said from the other side of the phone. This only confused me.

"Okay." I said before cutting the call. I looked at Nandini and she too had just cut the call.

I looked around. The place was empty. How wouldn't it be? The crew had left half an hour ago to another location and we were the only ones left.

"Let's leave the place for now." I said before holding her hand and we rushed to my car. Right when we got inside the car, I could see a reporter and a cameraman making his way inside. I immediately started the car and drove away.

"What's going on?" I asked as I hit the gas.

"I guess I know what's all this about?" Nandini said as she showed me her phone screen.

"Is Nandini Murthy trying to force her relation with Manik Malhotra?"

"Nandini Murthy's unrequited love."


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