4• Cross swords

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An early update yet again ❤ :)

"Manik. Is something going on in between you and your father?" I asked him as we walked into his room.

"You don't need to know." He replied, coldly as he threw himself on his bed. Arrogant jerk.

I so wanted to shout at him but I held it back. I slowly breathed in and out, maintaining my calm composure.

It was best to avoid him. I looked around his room. It was quite classy, cosy and well organized. I unpacked my luggage and opened his huge sized cupboard to keep my clothes. Shifting his clothes to the left, I made some space for my clothes.

"Hey don't put it there." Manik said in his arrogant tone as he came towards me.

"There isn't any other place to keep them." I said in a matter of fact tone, looking around the room.

"But you can't keep it there." Manik contradicted.

"Then where should I keep it?" I asked, calmly.

"I don't know but you can't use my cupboard." He shrugged his shoulder a bit and said.

"What makes you think I will do whatever you say?" This was the end of my patience level. I immediately placed a pile of my folded clothes in the cupboard.

Manik came near me and tried to get hold of my clothes, probably to throw them away. But I immediately closed the cupboard door and blocked his way.

"Dare you touch them." I warned.

"You can't stop me." He said as he tried to push me away but I stayed still.

"Jerk you can't always have your ways." I snapped as I firmly blocked the door of his cupboard.

"I always have my own ways." He smirked as his one hand slid around my slim waist anchoring me to him, making my eye balls go wide. Strangely my heart beat fastened and I could feel the goosebumps. To add up his eyes were fixed on me.

He pulled me closer and that was when realization hit me. He was trying to get his way but I wasn't going to be fooled so easily.

I knew his intentions very well. I caught his other hand right on time which was just halfway away from the cupboard door.

"I am so sorry for disappointing you Mr. Malhotra." I said as I pushed him away from me and he made a bad face.

"You are so annoying." He huffed in anger as he walked away.

I mentally praised myself as I successfully unpacked and arranged my clothes. Taking a pair of my clothes, I walked to washroom but before I could enter Manik pushed me aside and he entered inside.

"You monster." This was it. Before he could close the door I pushed the door with all my might.

"Hey leave the door." He said as he too pushed the door. I too wasn't giving up. I pushed the door with all my strength but how could the monster not do anything?

He stepped aside and the next moment I was thrown inside as the door flung open. I was in the phase of falling down but however I grabbed his shoulder and prevented my fall.

I stepped a bit away from him and glared at him with anger on the tip of my nose. And the sound of his laughter was boiling me up even more. This annoying Monster.

I looked around and witness a bucket full of water. Without even giving it a second thought I emptied the bucket on him.

"What the." Manik shouted.

"Don't mess with me." I gritted my teeth and crossed my arms around my chest.

"Nandiniii." Manik screamed, glaring at me. I turned around to leave but within a moment, Manik took the pipe from the floor and turned on the tap, making me completely wet.

"Manikkk." I seriously wanted to kill him. I turned around to see him smirking.

"Let's see who messes up with whom." He increased the flow of the water.
I struggled to take the water pipe from his hand but he stretched his hand in the upward direction. Huff! Why is he so tall?

I looked around to see a half filled bucket of water. I picked it up and threw the whole water on Manik.

"I bet you got your answer. Don't mess with me Mr. Malhotra. Take it as my last warning." I snapped as I stormed out of the washroom.

Right then the door of Manik's room clicked and I turned my head to the door, only to see Cabir and Navya entering.

"Uhhh why are you all wet Nandini?"  Navya reached me and right then Manik emptied a bucket of water on me from inside the washroom.

"Manikkk." I shouted in irritation. Did he even have a sense of conscience? I got wet and even the room floor.

"I got lucky." I heard Cabir say and that made me look at him. He was just a few steps away from me while Navya had gotten completely wet.

"And I got wet." Navya stomped her heels as she looked at Manik.

"I am sorry Navya. I didn't see you coming." Manik apologized as he got out of the washroom. He shouldered me and walked away. This irked me even more.

"Nandini calm down please." Cabir came to me. "I will apologize on his behalf."

"Nandini just forget about him for now and lend me a pair of your clothes." Navya said as she patted my shoulder a bit.

"And you know right you both have to shoot an interview and after that you guys even have to go for a dinner with the director." Cabir reminded. I breathed out heavily and stormed towards the cupboard.

I am not letting you win this easily. I am gonna get my revenge. Just wait and watch my dear husband.

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