6• Drunk

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"Do you know what your problem is?" Manik laughed, looking at me. "You are so so so so so and so and so irritating." He repeated the word 'so' more than needed. Huff.

Why did I let him drink? Why? That moment I really regretted pouring him drinks after drinks and thanks to that stupid revenge of mine, he was drunk.

"I am sorry god. From next time I won't let him drink, at least not when I am around." I said, irritatedly as I supported him to walk till the car. He had totally been leaning on me but still every now and then he had been stumbling.

"Why are you sorry? You shouldn't be. In fact I feel sorry for myself." He laughed loudly yet again but his statement only made me confused. He left my shoulder and walked ahead of me, looking up at the night sky.

"It's beautiful up there but down here-" Right then he stumbled forward and grabbed a lamppost for support. "It's hell here." He shouted as he clung there, and slumped over.

"Manik." I reached him and kneeled down to his level. "Life is hard for every one." I said as I helped him get up and he let out a painful chuckle. We walked together hand in hand one step at a time.

"C'mon Manik you have such a great life. Your life is such a luxury. You have such a caring mum and your dad-" I paused, not knowing what to say. I didn't know his dad at all.

"My life's a mess." He laughed yet again but moments later he began crying. I couldn't comprehend anything. We were just a few steps away from the car.

I somehow managed to take him to the car while he cried. I entered the driver seat and looked at his crying figure. I felt sorry and at the same time his tears pricked my heart

"Manik." I called as I gently held his hand. "Why are you crying?"

He looked down and cried harder. That moment I was completely clueless. I just held his hand tightly and with my other hand I patted his back slowly.

"I hate myself the most." He cried harder and it hurt. I couldn't take this any more. Without even giving it a thought I shifted my position from the driver seat to his lap. The smell of the alcohol was so strong that it made me want to puke but that wasn't the concern then.

I then wrapped my hands around his neck and hid him in my embrace. He too slid his hand around my waist and dug his head in the crook of my neck as he cried.

At that moment I didn't know the reason behind his tears. I didn't know what I had been doing. I didn't know anything except for the thing that I had misunderstood him. His life wasn't so much of a luxury as he showed. He wasn't the strong happy person that he showed to the world, he was broken inside.

"I hate everything." He hiccupped. He still had been crying as he embraced me tighter. I patted his back slowly and I let him cry.

Minutes later his breathing became normal and I knew he was sound asleep but I still held him closer. "What are you going through Manik?" I let out a slow breath.

I didn't know much about him but knowing that I had misunderstood him all this while made me feel a little guilty. I subconsciously dropped a kiss on his hair.

I then gently adjusted his position on the passenger seat. His eyes seemed a little bulgy and I could clearly notice the marks of the dried tear strains on his cheeks.

Sigh! I couldn't possibly take him home. I tried calling Cabir but the line was busy and same went with Navya.

Huff why are both their phone lines busy?

I couldn't take him to his house and our responsible manager's phone lines were busy. Now the only option left was to take him to my apartment.

I drove to my apartment and I somehow with the help of the guard managed to take him to my room.

"Thank you for your help." I thanked the guard before locking the door. Finally I can relax now.

After removing my makeup and changing into my comfortable clothes I entered my room, only to see Manik squirming and mumbling in his sleep.

I walked up to him and that was when I noticed the sweat beads that had formed on his forehead. I touched his forehead and cheeks. Gosh he was burning.

I immediately took off his shoes and then put a blanket on him. I took out a thermometer from the bedside drawer and checked his temperature.

101° F

"He was fine till the afternoon. What happened suddenly?" I was suddenly worried and that was when realization hit me hard. "Alcohol. By alcohol intolerance Cabir meant this." I closed my eyes in frustration, mumbling a few curses under my breath.

I was completely clueless as to what I should be doing. I couldn't possibly give him medicine. He was still drunk.

I tried calling Cabir several times but his phone line was busy. Huff who was he talking with?

Defeated, I ran to the kitchen and arranged a bowl of water and a wash cloth. As I entered the room with it, I could see his pale face and I felt a lump arise on my throat.

With a sigh, I placed the bowl and wash cloth on the table and after putting in much effort I managed to remove the jacket that he had been wearing.

"I am sorry Manik." I was really sorry. I slowly wiped the sweat beads that had formed on his face with the cool damp cloth.

"I am really sorry Manik. I don't know what you are going through and I don't even know if I can be of any help to you. But I promise I won't make it any more harder for you."

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