20. Love is in the romance

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Two days later

"Nandini where's my tie? I can't find it." I looked at him through the mirror, only to see him surfing through the closet.

"It's in the drawer." I said as I finished putting on my earrings.

"I already checked the drawer. It's not in there." He said as he turned to look at him.

After putting on my lipstick, I got up from my seat and made my way towards the closet. I opened the lowest drawer of the closet. His tie was right there pressed in between the clothes.

"See I told you it was here." I said as I took out the tie.

"But you didn't say that it was pressed in between the clothes. So how could I possibly know that the tie was there?"

I shot a glare at him, more like an accusing glare. "Like seriously." He acts like a five year old kid at times. Sigh!

I put the tie on his neck and stepped back to leave but he held my hand. "Make my tie." He said, giving me that innocent look of his.

"Manik we are running out of time and I still have to wear my saree." I tried making him understand . I was done with my makeup but I still had to wear my saree. I was in my blouse and petticoat.

"It won't be anything even if we reach a bit late at the award ceremony. It's not like we have a performance to give. So first make my tie and then I too will help you with your saree." He said.

"And how are you going to help me with my saree? Do you know how to wear it?" I asked with 100% certainty that he didn't know how to wear it.

"Umm I don't but you can teach me." He grinned and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Nevertheless I stepped forward and my hands worked in making the tie while all the time he held me by my waist with his gaze fixed on me.

"Stop staring at me." I said, slightly pushing him by his chest when I was finally done making his tie.

"I have all the rights to stare at you." He said as he pulled me closer by my waist. I could feel his breath fanning against my shoulder and it only gave me goosebumps.

"And who gave you that right?" I said as I wriggled in his hold, trying to push him away.

"You gave me." He said ever so innocently as he rubbed his nose in my hair, inhaling the scent of my shampoo.

"No I didn't." I said with a poker face as I stopped wriggling.

"We are married and you are my wife. So yes you gave me that right and I'll make full use of it." He said as he kissed my cheek then my nose and then my other cheek.

"Manik we are getting late. And Cabir and Navya might arrive any minute." I tried explaining.

"So what? They can wait." He said. These days he was becoming too much romantic, not that I didn't like it.

"Do you realise you are stubborn like a child?"

"I'll take that as a compliment." He said as he roamed his hands around my bare back, sending shivers down my spine.

"That was a complaint. Now let me go." I said, trying to push him away but he didn't even move an inch.

"First kiss me then I'll think about letting you go." He bent to my level. I let out a sharp breath before pressing my lips on his.

"Not satisfactory." He waggled his head in 'no'. Stubborn.

I pecked his lips yet again and this time too he waggled his head in 'no'. Huff.

I then pressed my lips on his and then bit his lower lips. "Ssaahh.." His hold on me loosened and I immediately got out of his grip.

"Now I guess it satisfied you." I said in a mocking tone before grabbing my saree and fleeing to the washroom, giggling.

Throughout the time I was inside the washroom, draping the pleats of the saree, Manik had been blabbling about how much hurt he was. I couldn't hold back my wide smile. He was so annoyingly cute. Sigh!

After I was done with my saree, I came out of the washroom, only to see Manik sitting on the bed, making a grumpy face.

"You are so mean Nandini." He huffed and my smile grew wider.

"I already know that. Tell me something new." I said as I reached the dressing table and from the drawer I took out a pin to pin up my duppata.

"I am angry."

"I already know that too." I said as I pinned up my duppatta. Right then the doorbell rang, probably Navya and Cabir had arrived.

I heard Manik huff and leave the room. He and his tantrums.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before stepping out of the room.

"Wow someone looks way too beautiful today" Navya complimented as she walked in.

I smiled, looking at her. "You look no less."

"Don't smile too much." Manik said, looking away from me.

"Huh? Why shouldn't I?"

"You don't look good when you smile." He said.

"As if I will believe that. I know I look way too charming when I smile." I self praised. Side effects of living with self obsessed Malhotra.

"No you don't." He said with a poker face, trying to act angry.

"You are still angry." I held his hand and looked at him, making a puppy face.

His lips curved into a small smile even after trying not to smile. "No I am not angry."

"You aren't. Right?" I pecked his cheek and he smiled wider.

"Seeing you guys I miss Cabir." Navya said, gaining my attention.

"Oh you too were here." Manik said as if he wasn't aware of her presence to which Navya rolled her eyes. "You can never change." I could see Cabir tiptoe towards us, placing his forefinger on his lips, indicating us not to make any noise.

"I don't want to too." Manik said as he side hugged me.

"I guess you guys need some privacy." Navya said and the very next monent Cabir back hugged her.

"Why only them we too need some privacy?" Cabir said.

"Why do you always have to scare me?" Navya turned around to face him and he smiled sheepishly.

"That wasn't my intention though."

"Now who needs privacy?" I said.

We all had problems in our life but then we didn't let the problems come in the way of our happiness.


I am not sure if you liked the chapter or not but I do hope you like it.

Thank you to all the readers of "We are Married". Almost all of you know that I don't like dragging the plot and the same will continue for this story too. Now it's time to say goodbye to this little story of mine. Yes this is the last chapter of "We are Married". The epilogue of this story will be up in a few days. I hope you guys will wait patiently for it.

Thank you
Love you ❤

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