12. Will you be my whole story?

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One moment is all it takes to fall in love.

The next day

I walked faster through the corridor, dodging a few people that came in my way. I looked at my watch time and again, scrunching my face in worry and mumbling a few curses to myself.

Just when I shifted my eyes to my watch, I collided with a hard frame due to which I was pushed a few steps aback. I huffed in anger and raised my head to look at the person. I knew it was Manik. When my gaze met his strangely I could feel my heart flutter.

He looked so damn good in that hoodie. "Watch where you are going?" He said, chewing his gum and I was snapped back to reality. "Hey you are that girl from the-"

"That should be my line." I cut him off. "You should have watched your steps."

His lips curved into a small smile as he eyed me from top to bottom. "You look kind of cute when you are angry."

"Huh?" I looked at him, confused. He shook his head lightly before walking past me.

"Hey do you know me?" I said as I turned to look at him.

He looked at me from over his shoulder and met my gaze. "Well may be or may be not."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." He shrugged as he walked away and I looked at him leaving. Right then the shrill sound of the ringing bell hit my ears and I panicked. "Oh shit. Oh shit. I am late." I turned around and ran.

"Okay...cut." Abhi, the director said and I breathed out a sign of relief.

I went and stood beside Manik and Abhi. We then watched the shooted scene together and the whole time I was busy looking at Manik in the screen. He looked so damn handsome.

"You guys nailed the scene." Abhi said and I looked at him with a smile. "The board shouldn't go there." Abhi shouted, probably at a crew member, looking past me as he walked past me.

I looked around to see everyone busy preparing for the next scene. My eyes then landed on Manik, who had been smiling like an idiot with his eyes fixed to his phone screen .

I reached him and tried looking at his phone screen but he probably had sensed my presence. So he immediately turned off his phone screen and turned to face me.

"What is it Nandini?"

"What were you looking at in your phone?" I asked, curious as to why he had been smiling.


"Then let me see your phone." I said as I stepped forward to take phone and he stepped backward. "It's nothing."

"Now you are making me curious Manik Malhotra." I said as I tried taking his phone but he streched his hands upward.

"Manik." I pouted. At times like those I really hated the fact that he was tall.

I came on my tiptoes, jumped and even clinged to him to reach his phone but he stretched his hands even more due to which I couldn't reach it.

"Manik let me see your phone." I stomped my foot and pouted, irritated.

"Nandini I am telling you it's nothing." Manik said, stretching his hand even more as I struggled to reach it.

"Then show me your phone." I stood on his toes and tried getting it. In that process I lost my balance but before I could fall he held me firmly by my waist. "Be Careful."

"They look so cute together." I heard a crew member say and that made me concious. I looked around and almost everyone had been looking at us, admirably. I could feel my face heating up.

His hold on my waist loosened, probably he too felt concious and his hand which had been holding the phone dropped. That was my chance. Before he could even register I took his phone from his hand and ran away.

"Nandini." I heard him call me but I didn't look back instead I fastened my steps and ran towards the vanity van. He had been following me, I knew it.

On entering the vanity van, I immediately closed the door behind me. Leaning on the door, I sat down on the floor, totally puffed out with all the running and jumping.

I turned on his phone screen and luckily he hadn't kept any lock screen. I saw a paused video and I played it.

"Manikkk Malhotra..." I could see myself in the phone screen. When did I take this video? "I am shooting a videoooo of me from your phone." I flashed my teeth in the video and I looked like a total idiot.

By then I knew it was a video that I had clicked when we had committed this drunken mistake of getting married.

"You areee myyy husssbaand now." The video shook a bit and the scene changed from me to black, probably I had stumbled and dropped his phone.

"Oh sorry sorry phone. I am sorry." I could hear my low slurred voice. Okay I made a fool out of myself.

The camera was again back to me. "So where was I? Yea my hushband Manik Malhotra-" Husband more or less sounded like hush and then band. "Don't forget our promise. Okay?" I again flashed my teeth. WTF I acted like an idiot.

"Nandini open the door." I heard Manik bang on the door but ignoring him I continued watching the video.

"You promised me that you'll be my whole story and not a few chapters of it. Don't forget this. Okay? I am really tired of getting dumped."

The scene in the video shook a bit and then paused. The words I blabbered in the video weren't clear, probably because I was drunk back then but I understood each and every word that I had said.

Was I really so tired of getting dumped or rather say being abandoned? I thought I was used to it but may be I was not.

"Nandini." Manik still had been banging on the door. I slowly opened the door and handed him his phone.

"You- you you-" He stomped his foot in irritation as he turned to leave but I back hugged him and I could feel his body stiffen a bit.

Resting my head on his back, I let out a slow breath and asked,"So will you be my whole story?"

A moment of silence prevailed between us and I could feel my heartbeat increasing it's pace every passing moment.

That moment I really wanted him to say 'yes'; not because I was in love with him but because I was falling for him and I didn't want to hit a pause button to my heart which had started to flutter once again.


I hope you guys loved the chapter. Keep on showering more and more love.

Thank you


Love ya

MaNan- We are married ✔Where stories live. Discover now