11. I am a mess too

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I got out of the car and walked up the stairs of his house without even waiting for him. I knew he had been looking at me from behind but I didn't dare look back.

I could gladly mind my own business. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open it. Till then Manik too had joined my side.

I looked the other way, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Mind my own business. It isn't like I am interested in him."

Right then I heard the door click. I was about to go inside but my steps froze on seeing Manik's dad on the doorstep.

"We need to talk. Come in my study room." Manik's dad said ever so coldly that I could feel inside shiver.
Manik just nodded his head and we walked inside. "Nandini you go freshen up. I-"

"I need to talk with Nandini too." His dad cut him in middle.

"Dad you can-"

"That's my final word." His dad again cut him in middle. And then all we did was to silently follow him to the study room.

He sat on his chair and looked at us while we stood there. He then turned his laptop screen towards us. The screen displayed a few of our photos from our previous date.

It got uploaded so soon.

"You chose acting as your career path instead of handling our family business." His dad said calmly yet coldly.

"Dad we can talk-"

"I haven't finished yet." His dad's voice suddenly raised and I could feel my heart jump. "I told you to leave it but you kept on turning a blind eye to what I said. I ruined your projects. I stopped the investors and yet you didn't stop."

'I was shocked' was an understatement. Manik was pursuing his career without an ounce of support from his dad.

"You got married-"

"Dad-" Manik tried interuppting but one glare from his dad and his mouth shut.

"You got married to an actress, a clumsy girl like her who has no manners at all." His word hit me hard but I fisted my hand and kept my mouth zipped.

"You brought down our family reputation by chosing a career like that. How much do you want our family to suffer? " His dad threw the pencil holder towards Manik and it hit him on his right cheek. I could see Manik close his eyes and look down as he stood still.

"Uncle-" I opened my mouth to speak in Manik's defense but his dad shot a glare at me and said coldly,"You are the main cause. The people who couldn't dare speak against me are mocking me now. And what have you been doing? Going on meaningless dates like this."

His dad was enraged. "Right now I am so much ashamed to say that you are my son."

He picked up the glass and threw it towards Manik but I came in the middle and I ended up getting hit on the forehead. I wailed in pain and that was when I felt a hand grasp on my shoulder. "Nandini." His concerned voice hit my ears and that made me look at him.

"Dad it's our matter-"

His dad cut him in between "I am not done-"

"Please don't drag her in between. It's our matter. So please not her." Manik spoke out this time.

"You dare speak against me." His dad banged his fist on the table and it made me jump in fear on my place.

"Raj Raj stop it." Nyonika maa's voice made me turn my head towards the door. She came and stood in front of us. "Nandini take Manik upstairs. We will discuss this later."

"You two aren't going anywhere." His dad stood up from his chair and stepped forward. That was when Manik grabbed my hand and almost dragged me out of the room.

I was sad, shocked- Scratch it my emotions were a mess. His dad was the ultimate reason for his sadness. He plastered a fake smile on his face. He laughed and joked around but he was broken inside.

"Just forget about whatever you heard today." He said when we reached the room.

I looked at him, sadly as he made me sit on the bed and sat beside me. He took out a firstaid box from the bedside table and looked at my forehead which was probably red and swollen.

"I am sorry." He said in a low tone as he gently applied an oinment on my forehead.

After he was done I took the oinment from his hand and he looked at me. "Manik my dad divorced my mom when I was young. My mum raised me alone without anyone's support." I could feel a knot form in my chest then in my throat.

I let out a slow breath as I leaned a bit closer to him and slowly ran my fingers on his right cheek where he was hit.

I continued, "I was an outcast in the school. My classmates bullied me and once I almost drowned in water. So I have Aquaphobia."

I told him my deepest and darkest secret as I applied the oinment on his cheek. I looked right in his eyes which had been overflowing with countless emotions all at the same time.

"Manik you don't need to hide your emotions from me. You can cry if you want. You don't need to act strong in front of me. You can just be yourself." I said and without even thinking I wounded my hands around his neck and pulled him in my embrace.

"I know you are a mess but-" I tightened my hold around him. "Manik I am a mess too."

I could feel him shaking and I knew he had been crying. I shifted closer to him and completely engulfed him in my embrace as he let go of his tears. I could feel my eyes tearing up too and I didn't hold back either.

We both cried together in each other's embrace.


Hellooo guys,

How are you all? I am fine just a little stuck up with my dramas and yup of couse studies too *cheeky smile*

The comments and votes dropped quite drastically. But anyway to those who are still there thank you so much for being there and reading a piece of my rough imagination.

Love ya ❤

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