10. A step closer or a step backward

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"Nandini do you think it's really necessary to walk hand in hand." Manik said as I leaned on his arms, taking slow steps.

"Yes it is. We have to look all lovey dovey after all." I said, smilingly.

It wasn't actually needed but I wanted to hold his hand. Though the date was fake and we were in the park walking hand in hand just for social publicity but truth to be told I really wanted this.

I could hear him sigh. "So tell me where do you want to go?" He asked and for a few seconds I thought I heard it wrong.

I raised my head and looked at him, surprised. "Is there something on my face?"

"No there isn't. But I am just checking if you are really Manik."

"What do you mean?" He turned sideways and looked at me. My hand was still on his.

"You just asked me where I wanted to go and you know the arrogant self obsessed Manik Malhotra never actually asks such type of questions." I blabbered, my eyes still fixed on him.

"Arrogant self obsessed. Like really?" He looked at me and I shook my head in 'yes'.

"Don't tell me you didn't know that." I said flashing my teeth. By the look on his face I knew he felt offended and that was what I need. I love offending him. "You are a monster. You know you-" My words were replaced by a gasp when he tightened his hold on my hand and pulled me towards him.

He bent down to my level. "Let me show you how much monstrous I am?" I could see his lips curving into smirk.

What was he upto?

I could feel my heart beat increasing when his face neared. "I-I-" His face was just a inch apart from mine. I could feel his breathing and my breathing got heavier ever passing second.

"Oh my god oh my god-" The shrill excited shout of someone made us both turn our head towards the source. And we could see two high school girls looking at us with complete excitement on their face.

I backed off and so did Manik. My face was completely flustered and I knew it but I couldn't help it.

"We-we are really sorry. We couldn't hold our excitement back." One of them apologized.

"You shouldn't be." Manik said as he smiled awkwardly.

If they hadn't disturbed us, would he have kissed me? I couldn't help but think.

"You guys are really couple goals." I heard them say and I turned my head look at them with a smile. My cheeks felt so heated. Gosh and my heartbeat was still beating wildly.

"C-Can we get your autograph?" One of them said, hesitantly. I smiled. "Sure."

We both gave them our autographs and we even took a selfie. "I am really really excited for your new movie. I love you so much MaNan."  One of them said before leaving.

"MaNan. It actually sounds good." I smiled and he rolled his eyes at me. "It's nothing so good okay."

"Arrogant jerk." I said and that was when I remembered our previous situation. He was about to kiss me, wasn't he? Or was I just overthinking?

"You aren't telling me where you want to go, so I will take you somewhere." He said before holding my hand and walking ahead of me, almost dragging me with him.

I smiled as we walked. After walking for like ten minutes we stopped by a restaurant. The place was classy from outside and quite cosy and comfortable inside.

"I really wanted to come here but I hadn't got a chance to stop by." I said as I sat crossed leg in the spongy cushion.

"This place is my favourite. I come here quite often. The food here tastes really good and my mum used to be a chef here." I saw him smile sadly.

"Manik mom really enjoys cooking. Then why did she quit?" I asked.

He looked at me and I could clearly see the sadness in his eyes when he smiled and said,"Well she just wanted to be a housewife."

"Manik you are lying." I looked at him while he closed his eyes, frustrated. "Mom spents most of her time in the kitchen cooking varities of items and everyday she gathers the maids and makes them taste her food. And whenever they compliment her cooking, I can see the shine in her eyes. And do you think I will believe that she quit just because of that?" I said.

"You are overthinking Nandini." He said as he averted his gaze.

I gently held his right hand which was on the table and said softly, "Manik you can tell me. I really want to know."

A moment of silence prevailed in between us before he pulled his hand back and I could feel my heart break.

"You don't need to know Nandini. Just mind your own business." He said in a cold tone and it hurt.

It had almost been two weeks since we had legally registered our marriage. The first week was like hell. He gave me a cold shoulder and I wasn't less. But when he got sick I was hell worried. I took care of him out of guilt but later I genuinely started caring for him.

I thought in these three days we had somehow become close but I guess I was wrong.

This marriage was fake and I knew it but still it hurt.

"Okay fine I will mind my own business." I said as I clenched my jaws, trying hard to keep my emotions in check.

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