16. Mr. slow witted

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"So will you be my whole story?"

My voice was low so it wasn't recorded instead only our actions got recorded. After ten seconds she held my hand and came in front of me.

"You hesitated for exactly five seconds before answering me. So for those five precious seconds I won't give up so easily." Those were her last words in the video and it ended.

"The media is making a fuss about this video." Navya said as she continued pacing to and fro in the room, bitting her nails and sighing from time to time.

"Like how in the world could you guys be so careless." She stopped her steps and looked at us and I just looked away from her.

"You guys fight like cats and dogs. You guys irritate me. You guys don't listen to what I say. You guys do whatever you like. But this-"I could hear Navya huff in anger and irritation.

"Navya they didn't-" Cabir started but he zipped his mouth almost immediately, probably Navya had shot him a glare.

I shifted my gaze from the laptop screen to Nandini who had been sitting beside me and she seemed tensed. Sigh!

I slowly held her hand and she looked at me. I gently traced her knuckles and said softly,"Don't worry. We can clear up this mess."

She gave me a small smile. "You guys are not going to listen to me, are you?" Navya's voice snapped me back. I looked at her and she had been shooting glares at us.

"Navya we are going to have a press conference in an hour and I just have to make a statement in the press conference. Then all this will surely be solved." I said even after knowing that it wasn't going to be enough.

"If it had been that easy I wouldn't have been shouting and moreover just take a look at my phone." She showed us her phone screen. "115 miscalls, 223 messages and 55 emails. Do you think this is a joke?" Right then her phone buzzed again. "See I got a call again."

She simply stuffed her buzzing phone inside her pocket. Her deadly gaze was still fixed on us.

"I am sorry Navya. I really didn't-" Nandini started but Navya cut her.

"Nandini why do you always land up in this kind of mess? Both your agencies are already giving me a headache and now this. Do you-"

While Navya continued scolding Nandini, I looked at Cabir who had been sitting quietly and through my eyes I indicated him to stop Navya but he simply looked away from me. Traitor.

A moment later Navya sat down beside Cabir as she inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to calm herself down. Cabir slowly patted her shoulder and she just leaned on the sofa as she closed her eyes.

"I think Cabir likes Navya." I whispered to Nandini.

"You just got to know that now." She too whispered back. "You are so slow witted. In fact even Navya likes him."

"I don't think so. She will never like Cabir." I said.

"Will you guys stop whispering?" I heard Cabir say and my head turned towards him. "We can totally hear-"

"What if I like him?" Navya cut Cabir in between as she looked at me. "Can't I like him?"

"No I didn't mean-" I couldn't even complete clarifying as Cabir cut me in between.

"So you are saying you like me?" He had been looking at Navya and I could see a different kind of shine in his eyes. Navya turned her gaze from me to him.

"N-No I-I didn't mean no I mean I-I" She stuttered. Navya stuttering was totally a rare moment.

"You like me or you don't?" Cabir asked yet again, his eyes fixed to hers. Where did that courage come from? I was totally shocked and speechless.

I felt a light pull on my hand. I looked at Nandini only to see her getting up.

"Let's leave them alone." She whispered and I too got up.

"Wh-where are you guys g-going?" Navya shifted her gaze to us and she looked a bit flushed. "We need to talk about the press conference."

"We can handle the press conference. And more than our matter, you both have important matter to handle. So we are leaving first." I said as I walked towards the door along with Nandini

"No no it's-"

"Navya have a great time with him." Nandini said as she unlocked the door.

"Cabir don't leave her until you get your answer." I said as we got out of the room and closed the door.

"I told you they both like each other." Nandini said as she held my hand.

"How didn't I notice that?"

"Because you are slow witted." She said in a mocking tone.

"No I am not." I contradicted.

"You totally are." She giggled and I couldn't help but smile after seeing her smile and giggle.

"Stop smiling Mr. slow witted." She said as she looked away from me, still smiling.

"Why should I stop smiling?" I asked with a smug smile as my hold on her hand tightened.

She looked at me from over her shoulder and again looked ahead.

"Why should I?" I asked again and this time she turned to look at me.

"You are really really slow witted." She said rather complained before stepping a step towards me. With her on free hand she held my collar and pulled me down by my collar.

What was she planning to do?

And the very next moment my eyes widen and my heartbeat doubled when I felt her soft lips on mine.

She pulled away almost immediately.
"Because when you smile it makes me want to do this." She said in a low tone.

I couldn't help but smile. "Stop smiling." She said with a poker face as she looked away from me. Cute.

In a swift move I gently pushed her against the door, caging her in between the door and me.

She raised her head to look at me but immediately looked away. "O-Our photo's might be leaked again." She said, nervously.

"We have already been caught so many times. So that's not a problem."

Gently lifting her chin with my right hand, I smashed my lips against hers. Surprisingly she responded back immediately, making my lips curve into a small smile in between the kiss.

The kiss was small and gentle at first. But then it grew more intense and passionate. The caress of her lips softer than ever.

Locking her hands around my neck, she pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. She needed me as much as I needed her and that made me smile yet again.

We pulled over panting heavily.

"You taste amazing." I breathed out as I rested my forehead gently against hers.

"So do you." She breathed out, the red hue not leaving her cheeks.

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