7• Irking her

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Next day

"Nandini I told you so many times and yet-" Cabir was angry. "Like how in the world could you do that? Do you even know what could have happened?"

"I am sorry." I apologized in a low tone as I looked down. My heart felt heavy and I could feel my vision becoming blurry.


"Cabir it's enough now." Navya interrupted him in between.
He let out a frustrated sigh as he punched the wall.

"Cabir he will be fine." I heard Navya say as she gently patted his back. He just bent down and rested his head on her shoulder.

My vision blurred and I felt wetness on my cheeks. This was all my fault. Manik had still been suffering from high fever. He had vomited all the alcohol out and yet his body showed some allergic reaction. Moreover the doctor had injected him with two damn injections.

It was all my fault. I harshly wiped my tears with the back of my hand as I walked inside the bedroom and then into the balcony.


I opened my eyes slowly, only to close it again because of the streaks of light. My head hurt and this weird taste of alcohol lingered in my mouth, making me want to puke. I sat upright and my body felt so heavy. As I opened my eyes, my vision cleared and I realized it wasn't my room.

I heard some sound from the balcony of the room and it didn't take much effort for me to realize that it was the sound of someone crying. I got out of the bed and my feet wobbled a bit. Side Effect of alcohol. Sigh!

However I slowly made my way towards the balcony with the support of the walls and table and there I saw her crying.

"I am really sorry Manik. I don't know what you are going through and I don't even know if I can be of any help to you. But I promise I won't make it any more harder for you."

Her words from last night hit my memory. I was a mess and no one could help me out. I let out a sigh and that seemed to have caught her attention.

"Manik." Her voice sounded a bit hoarse.

"You are being too noisy." I said and I knew my voice sounded weak.

"I am sorry." She apologized almost immediately as she wiped away her tears but she didn't seem to have control over her tears.

When people cried, it gave me a bit peace. It made me feel that I wasn't the only sad person around but strangely her tears pricked my heart.

Was it because I was grateful towards her for taking care of me for the whole night? Although I didn't remember much but I was sure that she had taken care of me for the whole night without even getting an ounce of sleep.

"Hey noise polluter c'mon help me get up to the bed." I said as I lifted my right hand till my shoulder level and signalled her to stand beside me.

"I am not a noise polluter." She contradicted, wiping away her tears as she came and stood beside me. I side hugged her and put almost all my weight on her as a result she stumbled a bit.

"You are so weak noise polluter." I tried mocking her and she pouted, making a bad face. And trust me she looked so cute even with her tear strained cheeks and red nose.

"I am not weak but to the contrary you are heavy." She said as she adjusted her hand on my waist and supported me.

"You feel I am heavy then that means you are weak and underweighted." I said.

"I have a perfect body weight. Okay." She said as she slowly helped me lay down on the bed.

"I highly disagree with that. Trust me you are the ultimate example of malnutrition."

"Malnutrition." She let out a chuckle as she adjusted the blanket over me. "Your knowledge in health is like very very very very and very poor." She like a 5 year old kid repeated the word 'very' more than needed and that made me chuckle. "Like you even don't know how a person suffering from malnutrition looks like."

"They look just like you." I said. "at least for me."

"No they-" I cut her in middle.

"I am hungry. Go get me some thing delicious to eat." I said rather ordered.

"Okay I will do that." She said as she turned around to leave.

"Wait." I said and she turned to look at me.

"Arrange the blanket properly. See there my precious legs aren't covered properly."

She gave me a 'You are unbelievable.' look before adjusting the blanket a bit. "Now is it okay?"

"Yea much better." I said.

She had just taken a few steps away from the bed when I stopped her again.

"Nandini close that curtain, I can't sleep with so much light." I said as I pointed towards the curtain.

She did as I said and yet again when she was about to leave the room I stopped her.

"Nandini wait. It's too dark. Open the curtains once again."

She shot a glare at me and I gave her an innocent look. It was fun to irk her. At least it was much better than seeing her cry.

She again opened the curtain. "Is there anything else I should do?"

"Ummm nothing for now." I smiled but yet again when she was about to leave the room I stopped her.

"Now what Manik?"

"Umm nothing I just wanted to see your face." I said as I smiled sheepishly and she shot a glare at me before covering her ears with both her hands and running out of the room.

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