crimzen's exsperiance

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Crimzen could hear her tummy growl loudly now, she hasn't eaten much in the past couple of days because her supplies was getting really low. All she had was some clothing and three packages of fruit snacks and chewy bars (both the cheep kind) plus she was down to her last bottle of tap water but she knew how to boil and capture rainwater so she wasn't to worried. Food was her top priority now and she wan't sure about the berries that she kept finding in the bush patches so she didn't eat them and she didn't feel like stealing food either.  Bad news was she didn't think about grabbing money at all. She walked into a small convenience store that looked family operated. But she had forgotten to check the time before she walked in.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school little miss." the clerk said her eyes narrowed as if to scare Crimz.

"I'll be out of your hair soon mam." Crimzen sighed as she walked though the isles looking for portioned food. She finily found some and brought it to the counter.

"ten dolors and fifty cents." the clerk said in a stern voice.

Crimzen was shocked, the sign said seventy-five cents! There was no way she could pay that. She just hang her head and put the box back on the shelf. She stared at it she need something. She quickly swiped the box and stuffed it into her backpack and calmly walked out while the clerk was busy reading a store magazine.

Crimzen just stared at her loot a box of pricelessness to her. She couldn't believe that she could actually do it. The tiny box of crackers was so easy to grab but her luck had ran out.

A sudden "Stop thief! Rang in her ears. The same clerk was waving her arms and pointing at her. Crimzen din't think that there was going to be Sinidel solders but there was a lot there just chatting in the allies. They saw her with the box and just fired at her people ran away when they saw the guns that came out. She dodged people left and right as they became frightened and ran away. But she found a hole in a crumbled wall and squeezed in. She stayed there in till nightfall. She figured it would be a nice place to stay for the night but she had to leave in the morning. She felt grate about sealing the box but it will only last her a few weeks.

 She just stared at the box and then the empty room. It had only had been a few weeks at least since she found her now dead brother. She huffed and looked at the lonely sunset. She thought about everything. How she just stolen a regular box of crackers and how good it felt to just to destroy Sinidel a little bit.

She smiled at the thought of Sinidel in withdrawal from losing the ten dollars and fifty cents she know owes him. She silently chuckled at the thought of him in the fatal position crying and wining,"I want my ten fifty!"She started laughing as hard as she could at the inside joke as the sun smiled at her saying."There you go Crimz, laugh you will feel better afterword." Which she did, a lot better.

Later on that night she decided to try to get some sleep, but with no such luck.

The images kept racing into her mind, her parents, the fire, and her brother. The next thing she knows in the dreams she is standing in front of the flag of the world, Sinidel's world and she is on the inside screaming for them to come back as she raced into the flag looking for a hole to crawl though but there was just red fabric. She kept going and going but it kept covering her like a animal stuck underneath some bed sheets in till she stop and stared at a Sinidel solder, the solder that killed her parents and then set the room ablaze with Sinidel's Breath.

She had to make it stop. She crawled outside and sat near the entrance she wanted to see peace but got lights that were half lit from the light posts. A Sinidel solder was down the road alone and still acting like a loud proud hero. He didn't bother her the slightest he just asked her if she was heading home. Of corse she lied and said she was going to her home. The solder just tilted his head as if two get a better look at her. Crimzen just stepped back slowly and ran around the block.

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