crimzen's exsperiance

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Her teacher just stood at the chalkboard wide eyed and discrete from the sentence she was writing on the board. She looked a complete hour glass with white sand that was floating to her boney shoulders and suspend itself there while a flower pleaded dress fallowed the rest down to her legs witch had seen and worked with better days and had given up to arthritis to a extent. Her black socks looked out of place and her nineteen something penny loafers seamed to be passed down from generation to generation with the twenty year cycle theory. Her slow brittle hands furnished the final sentence and turned around and took off her glasses making the wide blue eyes turn into distant holes in her face. Her mouth was a little small but there were very few deep wrinkles on her face but it was obvious around the eyes and neck witch swooped to if you cut a hole wide enough a small bug could use it as a swing. But none the less was very good at what she did witch was teach. Her ways were as old but timeless and easy to understand.

Crimzen was in the dead center of the classroom trying her best not to fall asleep. Then she noticed that there was a soldier in the room. Crimzen's head wiped around to see a Sinidel solder sitting silently in a empty desk in the very back to where no one would see him. He was wearing a green  camouflage shirt and dark green paints. His color was unbuttoned at the top and his green barray was fitted over his yellow tinted sunglasses. He was just leaning back and had his boots on the desk of a saved sole of possibly a year or more ago. Crimzen knew he was here for blood. The solder was chewing on what she gessed was gum or tobacco. His face was white as the clouds on the clear day and so was his arms that were the same, never seen sunlight.

He spat whatever he was chewing in a handkerchief and threw the wad into the trash with a big swoosh when it hit the plastic lining, only then a few more kids noticed the man.

Crimzen could tell what he was thinking, cleanup for the Sinfication Act that was in the mist of being sighed in the world or Sinidel's as she looked around she noticed more solders in the doorway ready to charge in and kill.

She became uneasy. All four years she never thought the act would require this, killing teachers for cleanliness and somewhat a sport. It was insane in Crimz mind. But she didn't say a word. She looked forward at her teacher who's face was even more hallow then the rest of her body. Crimz could tell that she was ready to give into the solders command if he ever says one.

Her teacher immediately switched from Old History ( the new history is SL short for Sinidelian legacy) to SL in a unforeseen switch like a graceful swan doing a dance in the water without anything more then leftover droplets of water from it's wings. Most kids just looked at each other confused but Crimzen knew to stay face front, and not pay attention to what is happening. She glanced over at the solder, still siting and enjoying the peaceful thinking of playing a treat while his colleagues waited outside the door waiting for the signal.

Crimzen's heart pounded in her chest as the man stood up a smile slowly painted itself among his face but it looked off with the surroundings. He drew his gun from his pocket and pointed around. He nodded at his group and they swarmed inside not blocking the main exit. The solders started to file inside the classroom.  She was quite unsure now of what was going on other than a cleaning of the resistance and figuring out where Darkness is.

Darkness was the savor of the whole world during the past war that happened or to that day a war with a short pause for five years. He had a superpower in his fist that would and did destroy anything and everything.  But he used it to band the world together and then when it looked like we could handle the pressure of being on our own everything crumbled Sinidel took over and raised taxes killed for no reason and made sure that everything we held dear was crumbled and now changing school to glorify himself and making Darkness the enemy, witch most people already believed so it wasn't that hard but Crimzen didn't believe any of what Sinidel taught and Darkness was going to be the savor of everyone just like the resistance

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