crimzen's exspieriance

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"Why was I so dumb!" Crimzen screamed and she slammed her cuffed ands on the wall of the armor car.

"Hey! Quiet back there!" the solder said slamming his own hand agenst the screen that was separating her with the guards.

"Now, now, lead by example we don't want the young lady to get any bad habits." The driver mocked half laughing in his mic.  They both glanced at each other and busted out laughing and striped off their masked and quickly put on the trademark gold sunglasses without skipping a beat. 

Crimzen felt ashamed and angry about what had happened earlier especially the death of an innocent person. Then Arlin turned her in did not help at all. She just held her head in her hand she jus stayed there. Then they stopped and got out.  She turned her head as she could hear the clopping of their boots. One came in and blind folded her and tied her mouth closed and she did not refuse because she knew that there was someone else that they needed to pick up.

She sat silently as she heard pushing and scraping of feet and arms while the solder yelled at him as if he was a monster. The person finally sat down across from me and was locked in his spot and blindfolded, of she thought because of the huge struggle while one yelled " Hold his head.". The man or someone hit the wall in front of her but she wasn't sure if it was the man himself or the solder's hand. The solders restrained him with much difficulty. And slammed the doors behind them, grumbling.

She saw blackness with the blindfold but her hearing had been enhanced to where she just let it take over as the man that was shoved in and grumbled a few words.

" oo, resanan?" he grumbled but Crimzen could tell what he was saying.

"no." Crimzen grumbled though whatever was in her mouth. "oo?" she grunted wondering if he was resistance. And he answered back that he was. Her mind has a light bulb turned on that she might make it out alive. A wave of relief washed over Crimzen as the truck made it's way to the jail cell. Both prisoners sat in silence as the truck rolled on the blacktop till it ran out of road and the truck started to bounce and shake. Crimzen tried to keep sitting upright but one of the many potholes jolted her out of her seat. She started sliding around the cold metal floor of the armor car. Crimzen held on to something on the side till the truck stopped.

She scrambled to find her spot on the seats and sat down. She quickly reminded herself to stay calm as she was latterly pushed out of the truck and when she stood she stumbled forward.

" get up resistance scum." the solder next to her said. She could hear stumbling as well of now multiple feet with shouts of all sorts as she was pushed into someone. Crimzen was getting tired of being pushed and herded around. The only thing they had truly done to her is taking off the sockish blind thing that was keeping her from speaking earlier.

She kept quiet while a person in front of her just called next and she melted walking forward with the line she was in. She trying to remember all the names that was said. It looked like the lines of the time she saw a picture that was quite similar to this. Soon it was her turn. She stepped forward on the solder's command.

"Name?" he asked in a hurried voice.

"Crimzen." she said knowing what she was getting on the solder's nerves. He just huffed and waved his hand in a circle saying that he wanted more. Crimz just decided to egg him on a little longer so she just gave him her nickname. "Crimz." he just gave me a unsure smile.

"full name you." he said and he sounded like he was going to hurt her on the spot so she let him have her full name.

"Crimzen or Crimz, Patricia Conners" she said as he mumbled a few words and nodded his head to someone behind her who shoved her into another line then a flash startled her and saw a couple of cameras that took her picture and she kept going forward and then something snatched her hands and put them into a machine. She tried to get free till she heard a computerized voice saying."release sequence activate please stay still." she did what she was told as she felt something crunch her hands as a sharp pain went into her hands and arms. Then it finally ceded and she walked forward and rubbed her hands to ease the numbness that settled in.

There was a bunch of people standing and walking around, either in a daze or trying to find someone they knew. But when Crimzen started to get close to the mass of people. Silent came among them fallowed by oos and ahs at her fallowed by whispers of her being there among them. The crowds parted as she came close to them. She looked lost herself as one came close to her. "miss Conners, welcome to our abode." a young man said. His face was clean shaved and bright while his read hair was messy and long. His clothing told me that he had been on the streets for a short while.

"hello." Crimz said back unsure of what to do but she knew that she wanted to not to become a villain or a hero, just a normal criminal that will serve her time or till the time is right for her to leave. A bell rang as people started to scramble and she felt someone drag her away and then blind fold her again and took her to a integration room. She was thrown into a chair and strapped in as a solder came in.

"well Crimzen, you are a little sneak, are you?" the solder sassed as he came close to her. "we thought you ran away, forever with the resistance. Did you become another pice of resistance scum since your records show that you are with them or at least that is what we all assume." he put his hands on the desk. Crimzen started to get uncomfortable with the solder, especially the way he was talking to her. "You resistance?"the solder tried to be taller and attractive then he already was.

Crimzen tried to stay strong as she fired a sturdy "No." back at him. , are you?" the solder sassed as he came close to her. "we thought you ran away, forever with the resistance. Did you become another pice of resistance scum since your records show that you are with them or at least that is what we all assume." he put his hands on the desk. Crimzen started to get uncomfortable with the solder, especially the way he was talking to her. "You resistance?"the solder tried to be taller and attractive then he already was.

Crimzen tried to stay strong as she fired a sturdy "No." back at him. She didn't want to talk about resistance but the solder slapped  her across the face making her spin to the ground and she hit her head on the concrete floor. She looked up in time to see a boot go into her ribs. "tell me that you are resistance!" he yelled. Crimzen tried to stay silent and strong but the solder's blows became harder and harder.

"Why did you kill Mared  Ocmead? Why were there books in your home why, why, why?" the solder screamed and beat her down as his voice started to blur in her understanding. Then he sudenly stopped and threw her back into the chair. "Stubborn." the solder whispered and Crimzen dazly nodded yes. "well then,"he started in a sickly sly voice as Crimzen started to truly feel blood exscapeing from almost every inch of her body. She could barley open her eyes. To see him standing in front of her with his hands near the zipper of his pants. "Since orders are to keep you alive." he said as a fait sound of a zipper made Crimzen black out completely.

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