Wedding plans

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~Leah's POV~

I woke up the next morning surrounded by my mate's scent and a very strong arm. I looked at my mate and kissed his lips softly to wake him up and believe me it worked. But I had a lot to do today so I didn't have time to indulge in the moment.

So, with that I shot up out of the bed kissing him goodbye and walked out the room. I only made it halfway to the stairs when Armond grabbed my waist pulling me back into the room.

"You really think that I'm going to let you leave the room with no pants on?" he said into my ear.

I looked down and sure enough I had only my underwear on. My eyes shot up to Armond in shock. What had he done while I was asleep.

"Don't worry I didn't do anything. But you were still in your dress and you were moving like you were uncomfortable so I took it off and put one of my shirts on you." he said looking at the window

I grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Thank you. I probably would have woken up and done it myself anyway." I said then walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of pants.

Then, walking out if the door again I mind linked Jade and told her the news.

'Hey Jade guess what?' I said

'What?' she said with sleep clouding her voice. I guess I woke her up

' Armond proposed last night.' I said waiting for her scream

'OH MY GLOB!!!!!' Yeup there it is

' Ok ok quiet. I need you to help me pick out my dress, the place, the guest list everything.' I said

'I'll be down in 2 minutes!' She said

Oh god here we go.

When she said 2 minutes she literally meant 2 minutes. She came running down the stairs before I could even sit in the couch.

"Well what are we standing around for? Let's go we have so much to do!" she said this whole dragging me out the door. Good thing I already had my shoes on.

We went out to the garage and opened it to reveal my shelby GT 350 and my Ducati. I hoped on my baby and tossed Jade the keys to my car and we were off.

<><><><>TIME SKIP<><><><>

After about 20 minutes we reached the bridal store. Jade nearly ran into the store. Je went straight to the back that had all the beautiful dresses. They were all expensive but I have the money to buy any dress in this store.

She showed me dress after dress until we finally found the perfect one. It was black with golden designs. The back was a corset and it trailed in the back.

I wasn't one for really fancy dresses but this is my WEDDING for christ's sake. This was the one time when I would go all out for my dress. But with the wedding dress we also had to find the reception dress so I wouldn't be stuck in that corset forever. Even thought I don't think I would mind, I have the hour glass shape anyway so it didn't really bother me.

After finding a white dress with black designs on it for the reception we went to the front desk and paid for them. When the price came up to $200,000 dollars I have the lady behind the counter my credit card without even batting and eyelash causing her to give me a death glare.

I didn't really care and took the dresses ignoring her staring at my ring. I flashed her a wide grin before walking out the door. Returning to the parking lot, we put my dresses into my cars trunk and drove off with Jade following me in the car.

We knew there was still so much to be don't but by the time we got to the house we were worn out. So, I took the dresses out the trunk and took them upstairs the my room. Armond wasn't in there so I assumed he had some business to attend to.

I went straight to my closet and got some black basketball shorts and a white tank top. I changed and then flopped down into the bed sinking into the blankets. My legs were hurting from being on them for so long.

After I get up in the morning we have to set the date and send invitations.

But I'm too tired to do it right now. Call me lazy but I don't really care. I'm tired and I'm going to sleep.

Nighty night.

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