That witch is a bitch

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~Amber's POV~

Hunter called me over to him and sat me on his lap.

"Honey, Lexia here says she knows you and she came to talk to me about something important."

My chest clenched up and a lump rose into my throat as I struggled to talk.

"What did you want to talk about Lexia?" I asked even though I already knew what she was here for.

"Well, Alpha Red, I have something to tell you about your precious "mate"." she said putting emphasis on the word mate.

Hunter sat up straighter and looked at me for a moment before looking at her to continue.

"You see a year ago she came to me sobbing about how her mate had rejected her for another she-wolf. I was rejected myself so I felt her pain. I told her that I would do a spell on her that would imprint your mark onto her neck and implant an embryo with your DNA into her womb. You may be thinking why you didn't feel her pain during the pregnancy and her moods. Well, that's the thing about this spell you wouldn't feel anything from her until she confronted you." she explained

"That would explain why I didn't feel anything for Amber only for Leah. That was until Amber showed up." Hunter said soaking in this new information.
Noticing that he had cut her off he looked at Lexia and nodded for her to continue.

"However, I warned her that if I should find out that she was lying to me... I would come straight here and tell you all about your new "mate" and "son". You may wonder how I came upon the information that she was never your mate. Well, you see Alpha Red, I was out in the woods gathering herbs for a healing potion when I overheard too people talking and recognized the voice as Amber's. I decided that I would follow the voices and ask her how everything turned out and to congratulate her should she have gotten her mate back. However, as I approached the sounds of the voices I noticed her talking to another wolf. He was rough looking with a large scar on his face. I masked me scent with a quick spell before they could realize that I was listening to their conversation. I hid behind a large oak tree and listened into their conversation. She told him that her new mate was a fool and that you never he never would have suspected that she wasn't his true mate. The wolf with the scar complained that he wasn't happy that she was with another wolf when she was his true mate. I was shocked to find out that she had lied to me and gotten me to assist her by appealing to my broken heart." she said but was again cut off by Hunter who was now looking very angry. He looked at me furious.

"We have a lot to talk about after this my dear "mate". He said to me once again signaling Lexia to continue.

"But wait, that's not even the best part. Before I left that area of the woods I heard the scar-faced wolf beg her to reconsider. She told him that if he did her favor she would consider accepting him. Him being eager for his mate to accept him told her that he would do anything. She explained to him that she wanted him to crash a wedding and kill the Alpha and Luna. This wedding was taking place at the Silver Moon Pack. The Luna was getting married to her mate making him the Alpha of her pack. She told him that she wanted him to take his army of rouges and attack them right before they said I do. When they were dead she wanted to take over their pack making this pack larger and more powerful. I rushed home feeling disgusted but I attended the wedding to see if her plan would succeed which I was almost sure it wouldn't. The scar-faced rouge did as he was told and interrupted the wedding just before they said I do. The pregnant women and children were sent into the safe chambers that they used in case of attack. When she was sure that they were secured the Luna's and the other packs attacked the rouges. I tried to stay out of the battle but as wolves charged at me I had no choice but to put them out. They awoke in time to escape when the scar-faced wolf was killed by the Luna and his army retreated... what was left of it anyway. I noticed the Luna howl in victory but a different wolf howled in sorrow shortly after. I watched at the Luna ran to a wolf lying on the ground looking critically wounded. I suppose that this wolf was very important to her as she stayed with her until the medics arrived. So, here I am telling you this information so you can know that truth about your precious mate." she finished

By this time Hunter was fuming and his wolf was rapidly clawing his way to the surface. He gripped my sides hard enough for it to hurt and looked me dead in my eyes.

"You mean to tell me that not only did you ruin my chance of true happiness with my true mate Leah, but you planned to have her killed too!?! Just so you could reap the benefits of her pack being without an Alpha couple! Not only this but you went so far to get an embryo with my DNA implanted within you so I would have no choice but to reject Leah and accept you because you knew I wouldn't be able to reject my unborn child! On top of everything you had your actual mate attempt to kill my true mate at her wedding no less! You disgust me. I'm going to visit the Silver Moon Pack and I want you and your belongings GONE by the time I get back!" He yelled aaa he pushed me off his lap.

He turned to the witch.

"Does this mean that Michael is not my actual son?" He asked

"Biologically since he does have your DNA but he didn't contract your Alpha gene. He has no power emitting from him. So, even though you didn't have intercourse with Amber if you were to get a blood test on Michael he would come up as your son." she explained to him.

"So, could he ever become the Alpha of this pack?" He asked hopeful

"I suppose so, he just wouldn't be able to use an Alpha Tone to command them as you can." she said

"Very well, I will keep my son and raise him right. But can you please remove that mark from her neck and break our bond? I can't stand to be attached to that disgusting creature." he said causing me to flinch at his words.

"With pleasure." as all the witch said as Hunter left the room.

I was engulfed in pain as I felt the rejection and the breaking of our bond. Lexia was making the pain last longer and made it stronger to punish me.

Just before I blacked out I saw the door open as Michael pushed open the door. I couldn't help but smile through the pain.

His first steps......

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