Just me and you

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~ Hunter's POV~

Amber lied to me.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. I had rejected my one true mate for nothing. I lost the only person that I ever truly loved. I wish I could get her back but it's too late...she's married now.

When I was strain there watching her saw her vows I could only imagine how good Armond must feel to be able to have her all to himself now. To have her forever. Never having to worry about losing her to anyone. As much as I had grown to love Amber and my son, I couldn't help but wish that it was me she was saying her vows too.

When I found out that I rejected her nothing I wanted so much to kill Amber. When the witch broke our bond I only felt a little pinch in my chest but I'm positive that Amber felt way worse than that. I didn't feel sorry for her though.  The only good thing that I got out of it was my amazing son. Even though I didn't physically create him he's still mine and I love him all the same and I would wouldn't trade him for the world.

I just his mother was someone else.  Her I would trade for Aleah in a heartbeat.  However, as much as it hurt me to think about it, Leah did look truly happy and I just hope that her new mate loves her like I would have and more.

As I was wrapped in my thoughts Michael walked in.

"Daddy who was the lady in the room with mommy. What happened to mommy?" He asked me. Oh god he saw her die.

" Umm... The lady in the room was an angel and mommy is in a better place now. Don't worry you'll see her again someday. She's watching over you right now buddy." I lied. I didn't want him to know the truth. I'll tell him when he gets older I don't want to tell him now... It'll mess him up.

"Oh..." He said tears welling up in his eyes. I walked over to him and picked him up.

" Come on. We'll go out in the woods and you can ride on daddy's wolf. Sound like fun?" I said desperately wanting to changed the mood and topic. His eyes lit up.

"YAYYY!!! LET'S GO!!!" He said. I ran out into the woods and shifted. I leaned down my head so that he could climb on and I felt him grab onto my fur. I started to run until we reached the lake that Leah used to come to now I come here to think or just to get some peace and quiet. I leaned down so that he could get down and he walked out to the water and played with it.

I sat there just looking at the only thing that I have left in this world.

'It's just you and me now' I thought.

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