You're invited

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~Leah's POV~

Today we're making the guest list and sending invitations. We wanted I invite all the packs since they have all helped my pack out at some point and we were allies with all of them.

We had my family, Armonds's friends that he made when he fell from heaven, and of course Jade was the maid of honor.

We sent invitations to the Red Moon pack, the Moonlight pack, the freedom pack, the white sand pack, the Korean pack, the London pack, the Twilight pack, and all the other various packs. They're too many of them to name.

Armond was reluctant in inviting the pack that my ex-mate is alpha of but he eventually have in when I have him my puppy dog eyes. He's so gullible. But I think it's cute.

After we sent out the invitations we decided to go out for a pack dinner. We went back up to our room to get ready and when we were finished getting dressed we all went into the cars with me on my motorcycle leading the way and drove off to restaurant.

~Hunter's POV~

She's getting married. My original mate is getting married. To the mate that she found after Amber came into the picture. My son is now 3 months old and growing up nicely.

Me and Amber have grown to love each other. I had almost put Leah out of my mind until I got this invitation reading:

Hello, Alpha and Luna.

We would like to invite you and your

pack to the joining of :

Leah Silver & Armond Blackheart

Leah and Armond are the Alpha and Luna of the Silver Moon pack and are pleased to say that they want to spend the rest of their lives together.

Date: December 28, 2014

Location: Silver Moon pack house

We hope to see you at the wedding

This hurt me to my very core. Even though I have Amber and my son. I can't help but feel that I shouldn't be with her and that I was always meant to be with Leah. But C'est la vie.

I guess I should tell the pack to prepare for a wedding since it's only a month away.

~ Amber's POV~

I was lying in our bed looking at my son. I feel kind of bad seeing as he's not really Hunter's son.

You see while I was gone I had this witch put a baby inside me. I had her make him with Hunter's features, and his blood just incase they did a blood test to prove that he was his son. I also had her make me so I wore Hunter's mark and have his scent mixed with mine.

I also had her put false memories into Hunter's mind so that he would think that he slept with me and marked me. She put the memories into his friends' minds as well so they couldn't deny it.

I know, I know, I'm a horrible person but my family was killed and I wanted a good life for any child that I might have. What better life than an Alpha's son? Hunter has accepted me into his life and has grown to love me.

Even though I was worried about any child that I would have I also loved Hunter because when my family was killed he was always there for me.

While I was day dreaming Hunter came into the room and told me that we were invited to Leah's wedding.

'YES!!! This wedding will make sure that Leah can never take Hunter back!' I yelled to my wolf. but I got no response she was still upset with me since I got another man's baby implanted inside me when our true mate was still alive. She doesn't understand, he is a rouge and could never give us the life we deserve. If he really loved me hew oils be happy for me. I will never have to worry about anything like money or food because I am a Luna.

She'll come around eventually...... I hope.

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