Never piss off a bride

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~Leah's POV~

I ran straight into the crowd of wolves. Any wolf that came at me got ripped apart. How dare they interrupt my wedding. MY WEDDING!

Just as that thought rang into my mind I ran into a wolf that I instantly recognized. It was Hunter. I had almost forgot that he was invited to the wedding.

I didn't dwell on the fact that he was here as I saw a wolf charging at my mate from behind as he was fighting another wolf. I growled and ran over to the wolf and as he was about to pounce on Armond I caught him in mid-air ripping a huge chunk out of his stomach. He was dead before he hit the ground.

The metallic taste of his blood lingered in my mouth. I didn't care though, it satisfied the anger that had boiled inside of me at the sight if a rouge plotting to kill my mate. He looked at me and I licked the side of his face.

Our moment was cut short by the growl of a wolf. I looked back and saw the rouge that started this whole mess.

'Let me handle him love.' Armond's voice rang through my head

'No...He's Mine.' I said as I stalked toward him

All the wolves saw this and moved out of the way. Rouge or not. They saw that this was a fight between me and him.

We started to circle each other looking for each other's weak points. When he saw that all the muscles in my body were flexed his eyes widened sensing that there was no weakness what so ever I'm my body. I would say that the same for him but I saw that he had a gash on the side of his hind leg.

I growled and he charged for me. I moved to the side and as he passed me I bit into the wound on his leg causing him to howl in pain. He bit into my ear and left a tiny patch of fur missing.

I growled immensely and clawed at his scar reopening the slash on his face. He flinched as the blood oozed into his mouth. The blood dripped into his eye rendering him blind in that eye.

I took this as an advantage and slashed his other eye leaving him completely blind.

I growled loudly and bit straight into his neck ripping out his jugular. The salty taste of his blood quenched my raging bloodlust and I watched as the light drained from his eyes.

The rouges that he drought along retreated back into the woods with their tails tucked between their legs.

I howled in victory but my happiness was interrupted by a howl of sadness. I looked to where the spud of sorrow was coming from and saw a wolf that I recognized as Jade's mother bending down over a wolf that seemed familiar.

As I got closer to the scene I realized it was Jade and broke into a sprint toward my bestfriend. When I was finally next to her I saw bit marks all over her arms and a huge gash across her stomach.

'SOMEONE CALL THE PACK DOCTOR.' I yelled through the pack link

When nobody moved because they were in shock I got angry.

'NOW!!!' I screamed

I saw a wolf run towards the pack house where the pack doctor was waiting with the children and pregnant women.

I shifted back into human form and picked up the head of my bestfriend and put her head in my lap.

"Come on baby girl. Don't you die on me." I cried

The pack doctor came running out.

"We need to get her into surgery immediately." she said

Men came over and picked up her bloody body and carried her to the pack hospital.

I just stayed there on the ground crying... praying that she would be ok. I can't lose her she's my bestfriend. She's been with me through everything. She just can't die.

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