4:The Hell Hole

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"Hana! Hurry up I need to use the bathroom." Hyungwon banged on the bathroom door. I was putting the last button into its hole. In our school we're forced to wear uniforms. The girls uniforms have skirts or pants it's your choice. I always wear pants because I'm not comfortable wearing skirts that short. We also have to wear a white button up shirt with a red tie.

The principal says it's "to show us how to dress professionally" but most people in our school somehow make the uniform look slutty. Luckily our principal lets us choose our own shoes and hair choice. Most girls wear heels but I personally like to be comfortable so I always wear my converse to school.

I opened the door and Hyungwon ran in pushing me out. I walked downstairs and saw my dad feeding the twins. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat at the table.

"So Hana how was the babysitting?" My dad asked me feeding the twins. I shrugged my shoulders. "So it was good. I hope the kids were good." That reminded me of Jungkook and what he was planning.

"Yeah they were good." I said to him with my mouth full. He laughed and passed me a napkin.

"Good so would you be able to babysit them every Friday and Saturday?" I widen my eyes and almost choked on my cereal.

"What? Every Friday AND Saturday?" He smiled at me.

"Well their parents and I are going to be staying late those days so you're gonna stay overnight and babysit them. Before you say anything Hyungwon and the twins are going to be staying with Grandma."

"But why can't I stay with grandma? Plus they have a teenage boy my age aren't you afraid he's going to try something on me." I laughed after I said that last sentence. "Ha never mind he won't try anything he couldn't get someone this beautiful." I flipped my hair causing my dad to laugh.

"I know Hana but they really need a babysitter and I know you would do a great job. It'll only be for a couple months or so. If you do this I'll get you tickets to the playoffs alright?" My eyes lit up when he said tickets to the playoffs. It's been my dream to go to the playoffs since I was 7 years old and my dad took me to my first game.

"Deal! I'll go pack right now!" I was about to get up when he stopped me.

"Ah you have school remember." I groaned and sat back down. "Tell your brother to hurry up you're gonna be late." I ran upstairs and banged on his room door.

"Hurry up Wonnie we're gonna be late!" He opened the door and smiled at me. I ruffled his hair and we went to grab our backpacks. "Alright dad we're leaving!" I fist bumped him and kissed the twins heads. Hyungwon and I waited for the bus to pick us up.


When we got to school Hyungwon and I did our sibling handshake. It's basically a fist bump, explosion, and then a high five. He ran to his group of friends and I went to mine. I only hung out with three girls at my school. Their names were Yuri,Sana,and Mina.

Yuri is half Japanese and Korean. She's been my best friend since we were in middle school. Yuri is the complete opposite of me but you know what they say opposites attract. We actually have a lot in common apart from girly things and sports. We both love the arts and ice cream.

Sana became my friend through Yuri. She's very hyper and active. She is very unique and is innocent. She's like our baby and we need to protect her from everyone. Sana is very good at dancing and she puts all her energy into it.

I met Mina last year in math class. She's very girly and loves all things about makeup and shopping. She's very pretty and has blonde hair which is eye catching. Most boys are attracted to her and she loves the attention. I became friends with her after we were partners for a project.

"Hana! I haven't seen you in forever." Sana jumped towards me giving me a hug. I laughed and she let go. "Yuri was telling us about a movie coming out this weekend. We're all going and you have to come!"

"Sorry guys I have to babysit Friday and Saturday." Sana awed in disappointment. "Next time sorry guys. Let's go to class I wanna sit in the back and sleep." Yeah I know I shouldn't sleep in school but I couldn't sleep after binge watching a show on Netflix.

"Alright let's get going!" We walked into the school on our way to class.

"Oh guys hang on I need to grab something from my locker." I ran to my locker and they walked behind me. I got to my locker and tried to open it but it was stuck. I put my combination in again and pulled on the door. When I opened the door slime came out getting me all dirty. Everyone's attention went onto me  and they started to laugh at me.

I tried to leave when I slipped on the slime and made me fall. Everyone laughed harder and then Yuri and Sana came to me asking if I was okay. I nodded and they went to the bathroom to get napkins. As I was getting up a boy came up to me and laughed at me. I looked at who it was and the boy laughing was Jungkook. As he was laughing at me the principal came out of his office upset.

"Who's responsible for this mess?!" He yelled and everyone pointed to me. I made an 'O' form with my mouth. "You come with me!"

"But it was him! He made the mess!" The principal looked at Jungkook and looked back at me.

"Both of you! Come with me! NOW!" Everyone ooed and the principal looked around. "Get to class! Now!" Everyone scurried off to class leaving Jungkook,the principal, and I alone in the hallway.

The principal took us to his office and sat us down. He looked furious. "What happened?" Jungkook pointed at me. "Alright miss?"

"Uh Miss Lee. Lee Hana."

"Well miss Lee would you explain what happened?"

"Well I don't know anything except when I opened my locker slime fell all over me. And I know he did it." I pointed at Jungkook who was smiling.

"Well Mr.Jeon did you do it?" Jungkook looked at me then back at the principal.

"I'm not gonna lie to you sir. I totally did it and I'm not ashamed. You should've seen her face." Jungkook was laughing while talking.

"Since you both were involved in this situation you will have to clean up your mess right now and clean the lunch room after school. But before you can do that Miss Lee change your clothes. This will not be tolerated there are fresh uniforms in the nurses office. Mr Jeon go with her." Jungkook and I got up and left to the nurses office.

"This is revenge for saying what you said." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Really this whole mess is for slipping up that one time?" Jungkook nodded and laughed.

"You should've seen your face though. It was funny." Jungkook and I got to the nurses office. "Alright hurry up and change so we can hurry this up." I went inside and asked for a uniform. The nurse gave me a new shirt but a skirt instead of pants.

"Ah don't you have any pants?" She shook her head and continued to work. I grabbed my new uniform and went to the bathroom to change.


Oh shit yo I saw one reader!! You know who u are ;)) you're very special to me ;)

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