35: End

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Hana POV
-11 months later-

"Jeon Jungkook!" I yelled from the triplets room. He came running in and smiled at me. "Look!" Junsu was taking his first steps. "Come to mommy Junsu!" Junsu came walking to me and I caught him in my arms. I kissed his cheeks and he giggled.

"I'm so proud of you Junsu!" Jungkook came over to me and kissed Junsu's head. Junsu was smiling and laughing. Ji-Ae started to make some noise catching our attention. I put Junsu down and Jungkook brought Ji-Ae over to me.

"What's wrong Darling?" She babbled trying to say something. She began to say something.

"M-m-ma-mama." My eyes lit up and I immediately looked at Jungkook. His smile was exactly like mine and I kissed her cheeks. She started to laugh like Junsu and Jungkook rubbed her head while congratulating her.

"I'm so proud of you Ji-Ae! Daddy's so proud of you." He kissed her cheeks softly. "Today is a great day Hana." I hummed in agreement. "Junsu took his first steps and Ji-Ae spoke her first words." Jungkook looked at Jeongsan as he was playing with his toys. "I think Jeongsan is the fast leaner out of the triplets."

What Jungkook means is when Jeongsan was 10 months he already said his first word and a few weeks later he started to walk. Jeongsan knew how to say mom,dad,Hello, and goodbye.


Jungkook, the triplets, and I went out to the park. Taehyung and Yuri brought their son to play with our children. Taehyung and Yuri adopted a little boy. They adopted a child after they went to volunteer at an orphanage.

"So Hana how are the triplets doing?" Yuri asked as the guys were playing with the kids.

"They're doing great. Ji-Ae said her first word today and Junsu took his first steps!" Yuri smiled at me and congratulated me. "Jeongsan on the other hand is doing amazing. He can already say Hi, goodbye, mom, and dad. I'm so proud of all of them." We talked for awhile until Jungkook came over to me.

"Hana! We have a problem! Taehyung's son was hugging Ji-Ae!" I laughed and he rose his eyebrows at me. "Why are you laughing? It's an emergency! We can't have them together! She's too young to be hanging out with boys!"

"Jungkook she's almost one years old. Plus when she's older she's gonna have boyfriends." Jungkook shook his head and put his hand on his heart.

"Never she's my little girl. She's never gonna have a boyfriend." I laughed at his cuteness. He looked at Yuri who was laughing too. "You tell your husband to keep his son away from my daughter."

Taehyung came over to us with Soobin his son. "Guys Soobin and Ji-Ae are so cute together! Jungkook I guess we're gonna be father in laws!" Jungkook immediately gasped and ran to the triplets. Taehyung laughed and gave Soobin to Yuri.

Jungkook came back with Ji-Ae in his arms and the boys following behind him. He placed Ji-Ae on the bench and Yuri put Soobin next to her. They held hands and were playing with each other. Jungkook gasped and picked up
Ji-Ae away from Soobin.

Ji-Ae began to cry and Soobin copied her. Yuri, Taehyung, and I began to laugh and Jungkook pouted. He put Ji-Ae down next to Soobin and she stopped crying. Jungkook's has fell open and we began to laugh even harder.

"Not even a year old and she already replaced her dad with another boy." He pouted and sat with his sons. They jumped on him and played. "At least my sons haven't replaced me."

As we were laughing an old woman passed by. "Ah hello again." Jungkook and I looked at the woman and it was the woman we saw the first day I babysat him. "Still babysitting?"

"No ma'am we're actually married and these are our three kids." She waved at the kids and they waved back.

"Your children are very cute. I'm happy you guys got married. I hope you have a good marriage and your children live happily healthy life." Jungkook and smiled and nodded at the woman. We waved goodbye before she walked away.


We went back home and the triplets were already asleep. Jungkook carried the boys upstairs and I carried Ji-Ae. We put them into their beds. We admired them for a couple of minutes until we went to our room. Jungkook and I changed into our Pjs and went in bed.

"You know Kookie." Jungkook turned to me and brought me close to his chest. "If it wasn't for that woman we might've not been married. You might've been married to Nana." Jungkook kissed my head.

"Thank god for her. I don't know what I would've done if I didn't marry you and have our beautiful children." I snuggled in next to him and smiled against his chest. "I love you Hana." I looked up at him and he looked at me.

He kissed my lips softly. I could tell it was filled with love. His kisses never lost any love in them if anything they gained more love. "Hana you're the most beautiful woman I've seen. You're an amazing wife and mother. You complete me."

I didn't notice but I began to shed tears. "Baby why are you crying?" Jungkook chuckled as he wiped my tears.

"I just love you so much and I can't live without you." He hugged me and I hugged him tightly as if he was going to leave if I let go. "You're the best husband anyone could ever have and I'm so happy you're mine."

Jungkook was not only my best friend he was my husband,the father of my children, the love of my life, and my soulmate. Even though we had a couple of rough times we always managed to get back on our feet. I'm grateful for him. If I was given the chance to go back in time I wouldn't change a thing. I'm glad that he was a bad boy that needed a babysitter.

I'm happy that I was babysitting the bad boy.


I had a bunch of fun writing this I'm so happy that people actually read this. I love every single one of you. I purple you guys. 💜

Please read my other stories but only if you want to it's your decision. Anyways I love y'all 🤪

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