8: Soft Hours

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I woke up to the sound of beeps from the monitor. I groaned as it reminded me of an alarm clock. From the corner of my eye I saw a boy quickly get up.

"Hana! Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Jungkook asked me without taking a breath. I quietly laughed and pointed at the machine.

"Turn the sound off. Too loud." Jungkook turned the sound off and sat at the edge of my bed.

"Hana? Can you tell me what happened to you?" Jungkook asked me worriedly. I sighed and nodded.

"Just warning you it's not a happy story." Jungkook attentively listened to me talk taking in every word. "It started when I was 14 years old, Hyungwon was 12 years old, and the twins were just born. We were all a happy family until one day my mother just went crazy. She would always tell us that we were mistakes and that we ruined her body. She would tell us of when she used to be beautiful then she had us. One day Hyungwon,my mother, and I were at the amusement park and someone told me I was very beautiful and that my mom used to be as beautiful as me. I didn't think anything of it until we got home and she just started yelling at me. She called me terrible names and would say I'm not beautiful or that I was fat. She would always tell me that until one day she cracked and she hit me. I was shocked and she was too but when she hit me she had a smile on her face. She continued to hit me until Hyungwon saw her hit me and he tried to stop her but she hit him too. She enjoyed hitting us and making us suffer. So after that I started to release my inner boy since I wasn't pretty enough to be a girl. I started acting boyish and that made her upset so she hit me even more. Soon my dad found out and he divorced her as soon as possible. He took us from her but the court forced him to allow her to see us. So whenever we visit her she hits us. I never told my dad because then it would cause more problems. Anyways so we visited her until today when you got her arrested." Jungkook's gazed turned into an angry one but then a sympathetic one.

"Don't worry Hana! I'll protect you from everything and everyone! No one will ever hurt you again." Jungkook smiled sadly at me and I opened my arms making grabby hands at him. He got the hint and went in for a hug.

"Thank you Jungkook. You're a good friend." Jungkook laughed and backed out of the hug. He was about to say something when my dad ran into the room.

"Hana! My darling! Are you hurt?" He hugged me and kissed my head. I explained to him what happened and he immediately got on the phone calling his lawyer. He told him everything that happened and scheduled a court day for my dad to get full custody.


We were in the hospital for a couple of hours when the doctor told me I could go home. Jungkook helped me out of bed and put me in the wheelchair. My dad got off the phone and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Hana... I know this isn't a good time but I'm going to have to leave the country for a couple of months for a business trip. Also Jungkook your parents are coming so you guys will be having a sleepover for a couple months. Yay..." We stared at him and he smiled awkwardly at us. "So I'll send your clothes over but go to Jungkook's house to rest. And Jungkook thanks again for saving my daughter." Jungkook nodded and he rolled me to his car.

He helped me get in and he pushed the wheelchair away. He buckled me and sat in the drivers seat. He started driving to his house.

After what seemed like forever we finally got to his house. He carried me in bridal style and carried me to his room. He gently put me on his bed. He tucked me in and turned off the lights about to leave.

"Ah Jungkook!" I stopped him before he left. "Do you think I can have a glass of milk?" Jungkook nodded and went to grab me a glass of milk. I looked around his room and saw a hoodie at the edge of the bed. I reached for it and grabbed it. I took my shirt off and put the hoodie on. It was so warm and toasty and it smelled like Jungkook. I realized that it was Jungkook but before I could take it off I heard him coming up the stairs. I hid under the covers just showing my eyes and part of my nose.

Jungkook walked in with a sippy cup. He smirked at me. "Here's your milk ma'am." He handed me the cup but I didn't grab it.

"You can put it on the table. I'll drink it in a minute." Jungkook squinted his eyes at me in confusion.

"Why don't you drink it now?" I nervously laughed. He handed it to me again. I refused to grab it and he put it on the table. "Alright drink it when you want." He got up and left the room.

I sighed at sat up reveling the hoodie and I grabbed the drink. I saw the the sippy cup lid and twisted the lid off but it was on tight. It started to loosen and I finally took it off. As I was about to take a drink Jungkook ran into the room yelling 'Aha!'. His yell caused me to jump and spill the milk all over me. He started laughing at how wet I was.

Tears starting forming in my eyes and lip started quivering. Jungkook saw me and stopped laughing. He immediately ran over to me and sat by me.

"Hana Whats wrong? Did something hurt?" I shook my head and pointed at the milk.

"M-my m-m-milk spilled all over me." Jungkook sighed deeply and grabbed the cup. He put it on the table and looked back at me. He looked at what I was wearing and smirked.

"Are you wearing my clothes?" I forgot that I was wearing it and blushed.

"Ah I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." I started to take off the hoodie until Jungkook stopped me realizing I wasn't wearing a shirt underneath. He pushed it back down and blushed. "What? What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything. But uhm Hana how come you're wearing my hoodie?" I started playing with the sleeves and looked down.

"I got cold... and I usually wear hoodies when I go to sleep..." Jungkook smiled at me and rubbed my head.

"It's alright you can wear it anytime." I smiled brightly at him and the frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I'm wet..." Jungkook started blushing intensely. "My hair and your hoodie got dirty. Can I have another one?" Jungkook sighed in relief. He nodded and passed me another hoodie.


I looked at Hana in my hoodie and she looked so cute. She was so small my hoodie basically engulfed her. She was so precious and deserved the whole world. She didn't deserve what she got. I wanted to protect her from everyone and everything. I wanted her to be in my arms so no one could hurt her. Shit bro I think I like Hana... I'll make sure she'll be mine and only mine.


So it was soft hours tonight 😌

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