29: Gender

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Hana POV:
{3 months later}

Today was the day I'm going to find out the gender of the baby. Jungkook had to go to a meeting so I tik Yuri with me. Since she's going to be planning the party she should be the one to come.

My bump became more visible to see. I usually wear Jungkook's hoodies and shirts so it won't be that noticeable. The only time I wear my clothes is when I'm going to the shop or when I'm working. Since we're going to the doctors office I wore one of my shirts so it'll be easier to show my stomach.

"Are you ready Hana? I can't wait to see if I'm gonna have a niece or nephew." Our friends were basically like their uncles and aunts.

"Who knows Yuri you might have both." Yuri squealed in excitement and drove to the doctors office quickly.


"Hello Mrs.Jeon how are you feeling today?" The doctor asked while setting up the machine.

"I'm a little nervous actually." I smiled nervously at her and laughed.

"It's alright nothing to be nervous about. Now who did you bring with you today?" She asked me as she put on her gloves.

"Ah this is Yuri my best friend. Oh and I don't want to know the gender I changed my mind. But you can let Yuri know she's going to throw a gender reveal party for us." I explained to the doctor.

"Alright I'll write that down. Are you ready to see your baby?" I nodded and laid back down in the seat. The doctor put some gel on my stomach and it was a little cold. "Sorry about that." I just smiled at her and she put this remote thing over my stomach.

She looked at the screen and smiled at me. She turned the screen towards Yuri and I. "What are we looking at Doc?" Yuri asked as she stared at the screen. The doctor laughed a little and used her other hand to point at the screen.

"This is the baby." She pointed at a light grey blob. "And it looks like they're going to have a sibling." The doctor pointed at another grey blob next to it. I was smiling widely and I held Yuri's hand. "Oh wait hang on." My smile faded and I looked at the screen. "I see a third baby."

My eyes widen when she said she saw a third baby. "Uh are you sure doctor?" The doctor pointed at another grey blob.

"It's right there." The doctor pointed at all three blobs and then looked at me. "Well congratulations not only do you have one baby you have 3. Do you want me to print out the pictures?" I nodded and then the doctor wrote down something and put it in an envelope. "Here's the genders of the babies." She handed it to Yuri and gave me a napkin to wipe off the gel. She smiled at us and left the room.

"Damn Hana. Jungkook must be amazing in bed to make three babies." I laughed and got up from the seat. The doctor came in and gave me the ultrasound pictures. I smiled at them and thanked the doctor.


I waited for Jungkook to come home from work. I sat on the couch staring at the door with the picture in my hands. I was nervous as hell. Jungkook was already afraid of having twins so how am I gonna tell him we're having triplets.

"Alright Hana calm down... I'm sure you'll be fine. What's the worst that can happen? The worst would be that he gets disgusted and divorces you. He leaves you for that Taeyeon at his work and you'll have to be a single mother of not one baby but three." I sighed and clenched my fists but not tight enough to crumble the picture.

I heard the door unlock and I gasped. I quickly got up and stood in front of the door. I hid the picture behind my back and waited for Jungkook to come through the door.

"Jungkookie! How was work?" I asked excitedly even though I was a nervous wreck. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He loosened his tie and took his blazer off.

"It was very stressful Hana. I just want to lay down and go to sleep. Did you make me dinner?" Jungkook asked me hanging up his coat.

"Oh uhm no sorry... I was busy. Did you forget? Today I went to the doc-" I was interrupted by Jungkook.

"So this whole day while I've been working you haven't done anything? The least you could've done was make me some dinner. God I should've married Nana instead of you."

I was shocked with what he said. I held the picture by my side and went upstairs without saying anything. I grabbed a backpack and put some of my clothes in it. I grabbed my other essentials and put them in the bag.

I called Jin and asked him to pick me up. He asked why and I said I'll explain on the way. He agreed and said he'll be here in 5 minutes. I hung up and looked in the mirror. I started to cry and I put the picture on the counter.

I wiped my tears and grabbed the backpack. I went downstairs and saw Jungkook sitting at the table with his papers around him. I sighed and quietly left the house. I didn't want him to stop me because if I saw him he would say all these sweet things to me and I would forgive him easily.

I saw Jin waiting for me and he helped me with my backpack. I sat in the front seat and waited for Jin to come back. He came back and smiled at me. It was more like a 'are you okay?' Smile instead of his happy smile. He began to drive to his house.

"Want to explain why I'm taking you to my house and why you're crying?" Jin asked softly. I sighed and explained to him what happened.
"Who's Nana?" I then explained the whole story with Nana,Jungkook, and I. "That bastard." Jin tightened his grip on the wheel.

"It's okay Jin. Maybe Jungkook and I weren't meant to be. I mean I was just his babysitter nothing more nothing less." I sighed and looked out the window. "I just want my babies to be happy."

"Babies?!" Jin asked loudly. I laughed and nodded.

"I'm having triplets. I know it's a lot but it's fine I'll love them all the same." I sighed and smiled at my stomach. "I hope Jungkook would love them too."


Oh shoot guys triplets 😳 didn't expect that but thanks for the ideas guys I shall take them into consideration
If you have any ideas leave them down there 🤪


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