10: I like you

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J U N K O OK   P O V

Everyone except Hana sat on the couch. They were talking and laughing but my eyes wouldn't leave the stairs as I was waiting for Hana. I finally saw my room door open and Hana walked out. She was wearing black jeans and a white hoodie which happened to be mine.

She walked down the stairs and saw us sitting on the couch. "I'll be back guys." She left the house and we all waited for 30 seconds in silence. After we heard her leave we all sighed.

"Okay guys plan now!" Jimin laughed at me. "Why are you laughing? This isn't a laughing matter."

"It's just that you're so excited to make her your girlfriend"

"Well every moment she's not here with me and in my arms she's out with that Hyunjin." I said his name with disgust. "Alright so what's the plan?" Yuri spoke up first.

"Alright so this is what I was thinking."

H A N A   P O V

HyunJin picked me up from Jungkook's house. We sat in silence on the way to wherever he was taking me. We got to a restaurant that was I was way underdressed for.

"I didn't know we were going somewhere fancy." Hyunjin looked at my clothes and smiled.

"It's alright my brother owns this place so it'll be fine." We got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. We sat at a booth and waited for our server.

"Hello welcome to Jackson's restaurant. I'm your waitress today." She looked at Hyunjin the whole time. "So any drinks to start off?" We ordered our drinks and she left.

"She was so into you." I commented to relieve the awkwardness.

"Yeah but I'm into you more." I blushed at his comment. "Hana I know that we've only known each other for a couple of weeks but I can't deny how I feel about you. I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

"Oh uh uhm... I never had a boyfriend before. So uhm I guess?" I shyly said. "Uhm what do boyfriend and girlfriends do?" He laughed and smiled at me.

"Well they text each other every day and call every day. They also kiss and hold hands."

"K-kiss? Uh I'm not ready to kiss."

"It's alright Hana. I don't wanna rush you." He smiled at me and we talked the whole time we were there.


HyunJin dropped me off at Jungkook's house and waved goodbye before leaving. I walked inside and saw Jungkook sitting on the couch alone.

"Where is everyone?" I asked him sitting next to on the couch.

"They left a long time ago. So how was your Lunchwith Hyunjin?" I looked at him and smiled.

"Well we went to this restaurant that his brother owns and then he asked me to be his girlfriend but I haven't been in a relationship so I said why not." Jungkook looked in my eyes with sorrow and anger in his eyes. "Oh and when I was eating I got pasghetti on your hoodie I'm sorry." His eyes soften and he gave me a smile.

"It's alright Hana I'll just wash it off. So what else did you guys talk about?" I started telling him about the lunch and what Hyunjin told me about relationships.

"Oh that reminds me!" I pulled out my phone and texted HyunJin.


Sorry I can't talk now I'm busy.

oh okay I'll text you later

I put my phone away and Jungkook rose one of his eyebrows. I tried to copy him but failed. He laughed at me and I started laughing. Jungkook turned on the TV and put on a show we could watch together. 30 minutes into the show I got a text that said Hyunjin.

I brightly smiled and showed Jungkook. "Look he texted me!" Jungkook and I opened the text together and it read.

Get your hands off my man you stupid ugly ass whore.
*Video attachment*

I opened the video and it was Hyunjin and some random girl having sex. I looked at what Hyunjin was wearing and that's what he was wearing today at our date. I felt a tear drop from my eyes. Jungkook saw it and he took my phone away from me.

"Jungkook! Give me my phone!" I yelled at him but he wouldn't give it to me. He started texting on my phone and then he pulled up camera. "Jungkook wha-" I was interrupted when Jungkook kissed my lips. He took a picture of us kissing and then sent it to HyunJin.

"There now he'll be pissed and regret having sex with that whore." Jungkook smiled proudly at me until he saw me crying. "Hana why are you crying?"

"My First b-boyfriend cheated on me we weren't even dating for 1 day. That just shows that my mother was right. No one wants to date me they think I'm ugly and fat." I looked down and cried into the hoodie. Jungkook scooted closer to me and hugged my side.

"You're not ugly or fat and a lot of people would love to date you." I rose my head and looked at him.

"Oh yeah like who?" I stuck my head back down and continued to cry.

"Actually Hana..." I rose my head again and saw Jungkook blushing. "I uh actually uh..." I smiled at him struggling to speak.

"Go on spit it out we don't have all day." I teased him.

"Okay here it goes..." he took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "I like you Hana..."

"Oh I like you too." I smiled at him and dried my tears. I was about to get up when he pulled me back down.

"No I mean I like you more than a friend..." Jungkook rubbed the back of his head before looking at me.

"Uh... I uhm. I don't know how to respond. I mean I like you too but uhm as a friend." I looked everywhere except him.


Do you hear that? That's the sound of my heart breaking. Oh who was I kidding this isn't a fairytale or Wattpad story the boy doesn't always get the girl. But I won't stop until Hana falls in love with me. I'll just be her boyfriend but without her knowing.

I got up and went to my room and called my friends. "Alright guys plan A failed like I told you guys. So now it's time to hook Hana in. Plan L-Word is a go!" I smiled at myself and hung the phone up.

"I will make you fall in love with my Lee Hana. Even if it's the last thing I do."


Bro this chapter felt so short but I have big big plans ahead

💗 -Okay luv you guys 🤪

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