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I stepped out of the bathroom in my new uniform. I was wearing those short skirts I hated. Luckily I always have a pair of high tops in my backpack. Don't ask me why I have extra shoes but not extra pants I just do okay.

There were kids already there who were "sick" and when I stepped out the sat up. The kids were all guys. The eyed me up and down. I quickly walked out without looking back. I closed the door and thanked the nurse even if she was no help. I looked for Jungkook and then he scared me from behind.

"What's wrong with you?! I almost had a heart attack." Jungkook kept laughing at me until he saw what I was wearing. He looked at me up and down.

"Who knew you could be so pretty?" He admired me in the skirt. I scoffed at him and he looked me in the eyes. "What?"

"Nothing let's just get to cleaning." I walked away from him heading to the crime scene. Jungkook watched me walk away admiring my butt until he focused and ran to catch up to me.

"Alright what should we do first." I thought to myself and realized we needed mops. "Hey do you know where to get the mops?" Jungkook pointed at the janitors closet admiring his work. I rolled my eyes and went to the closet.

I opened it and saw the mops on the side. I picked two up and put them outside. I looked for the bucket but I didn't know where it could be.

"Jungkook where's the water bucket?" I yelled from the room.

"On the shelf!" Jungkook yelled back coming towards me. I looked up and saw the bucket. I grabbed the ladder and stood on one step trying to reach it. I couldn't reach it so I climbed up some more. I forgot that I was wearing a skirt so I forgot that people could see underneath my skirt. I was reaching for the bucket when I heard Jungkook's voice.

"I never saw you as a lace type of girl." I flinched and looked down at him confused. "I can see up your skirt and the view is great." I realized what he said and gasped getting down as fast as I can. My face was red as a tomato. Jungkook laughed at my face. "Here I got the bucket go back to your locker. I took the mops and ran to the lockers.

I sat on the floor waiting for him to get the bucket. I played with the slime on the floor. Jungkook saw me playing with it and groaned.

"Don't make a bigger mess come on now." I got up and wiped my hands on napkins that he brought. "Now I'll clean the floors and you clean the locker. I nodded and we got to work. After a couple of minutes I started to get hungry.

"Hey Jungkook I'm hungry. Go get me some food from the vending machine." I pulled out some money and he denied it.

"It's fine you've already paid me enough." He winked at me and I blushed thinking about what happened. "What do you want from the vending machine?" I thought about it and chose the Oreos. "Alright I'll be back. Take a break." He left and I sat on the floor.

"Hey! You!" I heard a voice call from the end of the hallway. I looked up and saw a boy I've never seen before. He ran up to me and sat next to me.

"Uh Hello..." I awkwardly said to me. He smiled at me and stuck his hand out.

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin. You're very pretty and I was wondering if you would want to go out sometime?" I shook his hand and looked at him.

"Ah sorry I don't know you. You could be a serial killer for all I know." He laughed at my joke.

"How about we become friends first?" I nodded at his request. "Alright well here's my number so we can get to know each other." He grabbed my phone and put his phone number in. "You better text me." 

"I will don't worry. But just so you know I don't always dress like this I usually wear pants."

"Okay? I mean I don't care what you wear. As long as you have a great personality." I laughed at his cliche words. "What I'm not lying."

"Oh you know my friend is in the market how about I set you up with her? She's very pretty and dresses girly." He was in shock.

"Uh i wanted to go out with you but then you offer someone else? I mean I guess you can set me up with her I don't mind. I'm just in the need for some love." I laughed at his comment.

Jungkook came back and saw us laughing. "God Hana you put the skirt on and you're becoming one of those girls geez." I rolled my eyes at him.

"This is my friend HyunJin and we're talking geez. I have to get back to work Hyunjin so I'll text you later." He nodded and left the hallway.

"Here's your Oreos by the way." He tossed them to me and my eyes lit up. I loved Oreos they reminded me of good times with my dad.

"Thanks Jungkook!" I smiled at him and opened the package already eating them. He laughed at me and I tilted my head in confusion. "What?" I said with my mouth full.

"You have Oreo crumbs on your cheeks." I tried to wipe it off. "No it's right there." Jungkook came to my face and we were a couple of inches apart. He wiped the crumbs off my face and looked me in the eyes before licking them from his finger. I'm not gonna lie to you kinda turned me on but not gonna tell him that.

I coughed in awkwardness and he stepped back smirking. "So let's finish this up."


It was after school time where I'm cleaning again. Yay..

The whole day everyone stared at me and boys tried to hit on me. I don't understand what they see honestly according to my mother Im ugly and will never find love. I began to believe it when I entered high school.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw Jungkook waiting there. He saw me walk in and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at him and sat next to him.

"So Hana how was your day in the life of a skirt girl?" He teased me because he saw all the stares I got.

"It was terrible I never wanna wear a skirt again."

"Well if you don't spill my secret again then you'll be fine. So shall we get started?" Jungkook asked me putting his phone away.

"Sure let's finish so I can eat after this." Jungkook laughed but it wasn't like a teasingly laugh it was a genuine laugh. It sounded weird coming from him. We began to pick up the trash first.


alright I'm gonna warn you bois and gals next chapter gonna get a little frisky ;))

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