34: Birth

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Hana POV

-4 months later-

I was in my 9 month of pregnancy and the triplets could come any moment. The doctor said they would come on Saturday but sometimes it doesn't go like that. Jungkook hasn't left my side since we only have a couple of days left.

"Hana can you believe our children are almost here. I'm so excited to see them!" Jungkook and I were outside in the backyard just talking.

"Yeah I know I can't wait." I played with Jungkook's fingers as we continued to talk. As I was talking I felt a pain in my stomach. "Ow!" Jungkook sat up immediately and looked at me.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"My stomach is hurting." I began to breath in and out. The pain went away and we sighed. Then I felt liquid go down my leg. "Uhm Jungkook..." He looked at me. "I think my water just broke."

I knew my water broke because I watched videos on births and how to tell when it breaks and stuff like that. It was pretty useful and very interesting to watch.

I stood up and Jungkook helped me to the car. I felt a contraction coming and I started to breath in and out again. He helped me in and ran to the drivers seat. He called Taehyung and told him to tell everyone Hana is about to give birth. Jungkook hung the phone up and began to drive.

"Hang on there Hana!" He drove quickly to the hospital trying not to get caught in traffic. My contractions were about 4 minutes apart now. The triplets weren't wasting any time to get out. We got to the hospital and Jungkook Parked in the entrance. "MY WIFE IS ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH!" He yelled and people came to help.

They took me into a delivery room and my contractions were 2 minutes apart. Jungkook was holding my hand as the doctor got ready for me to push. "You're doing great Hana!" I tighten my grip on his hand and I shut my eyes.

"Okay Hana get ready to push." The doctor said to me as she got into position. "Okay Hana push!" I pushed and my grip tighten even harder on Jungkook's hand. "Okay okay I can see the head. Give me another push." I pushed again and groaned. "One down!"

Jungkook looked over and the doctor showed him before giving the baby to the nurse. "Baby its a boy!" He smiled and kissed my head. "Okay darling two more left."

"Okay Hana you ready?" I nodded and got back into position.


-2 hours later-

Jungkook POV

I came out the room and saw everyone sitting down. The kids were sleeping and Hyungwon was watching them. They looked at me and I smiled. "She's done." They all got up and gave me a hug. "Come on we can visit her now." I led them to the room.

I opened the door and Hana was laying on the bed with one baby in her arms. "Hey guys..." she whispered softly. "This is Junsu. He was born first." Hana handed me Junsu and on the left of the bed was another baby. "This one is our other son. His name is Jeongsan and he came out second. He was a tough one." Everyone laughed and Hana went to her right. "This Ji-Ae. She's our youngest."  Hana smiled at Ji-Ae and then looked at me.

"Okay guys let's let Hana get some rest." Everyone said goodbye and congratulations to us. I put Junsu in his crib thing and went to lay down by Hana.

"I love you Hana. And I love our sons and daughter. I can't wait to go home with them." She smiled and I kissed her head. "Go to sleep I'm so proud of you." She snuggled in close to me and fell asleep.


-2 days later-

Hana POV

Jungkook bought three car seats and put them into the car. We had to buy a safer car since we have children now. I have to put my children first before anything. Jungkook carefully put each kid in their seats. "Alright I'll drive." Jungkook said as he went into the drivers seat.

I sat in the passenger seat and buckled up. I looked back and saw my children sleeping. "They're so precious." I turned back and Jungkook was looking at me. "What?"

"I love you." He kissed my lips and smiled. "Let's go home." He began to drive away from the hospital. We got to our house in a couple of hours. "We're finally home." We stayed in the car for a couple of minutes. "Are you ready?"

"Uhm yep." I nervously nodded.

"When we walk into the house we have officially become parents and have to take care of them ourselves." Jungkook gulped and looked at me. "We're gonna do good right?"I looked at him and smiled.

"Of course. You're gonna be an amazing father and I'm going to be a great mother. Together we will rock this parent thing." I gave him a determined look and he laughed.

"You're right. We're gonna do amazing. Plus we can ask your parents and mine for help." Jungkook looked back and smiled. He looked back at me and smiled at me. "Alright let's do this thing."


Sorry it's kinda short but next chapter is gonna be the end 😔 I know but go check out my other books if you will I love all of you and appreciate it for reading my book 🤪💜

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