20: Back to Business

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Hana POV

After school I waited for Hyungwon so he can take the car. Jisung offered me a ride to Jungkook's house. I accepted the ride and he told me to wait outside the school.

"Hana!" Hyungwon came running up to me. He high fived me and smiled. "Guess what Hana! I'm dating someone! Her name is Yumi and I asked her out today and she said yes!" I hugged my brother and rubbed his head.

"I'm so proud of you Wonnie! Don't do anything stupid, make sure she feels loved, don't make her cry, and if you need advice on girls let me know." He nodded and smiled.

"How's you and Jungkook?" I couldn't tell him the truth so I lied and said we're fine. "That's great Hana! Both of us are finally happy! Oh and dad told me to tell you that tomorrow we're meeting his girlfriend." I nodded and gave him he keys.

"Don't drive too fast and buckle up." I kissed his head and waved goodbye. He ran to the car and drove off. As he left Jisung came next to me. "Oh hey. You ready?" He nodded and we walked to his car.

"Are you gonna talk to him?" I nodded and went in the passenger seat. "If you need me just text me. I'll probably be at home doing nothing." I laughed and he drove me to Jungkook's house.


I texted Jungkook's mom that I'm almost there so she could leave. As soon as we got there Jisung parked in the driveway. "Alright Hana good luck. I wish you the best." He pulled me into a hug but it was a friendly hug.

"Thanks Jisung. I'll text you later." He released me from the hug and got out the car. "Bye. Drive safe." I closed the door and went to the front door. I walked in and saw JaeHyung sitting on the couch.

"Hana!" JaeHyung got down and ran to me. I picked him up and hugged him. "I missed you! The other girl is mean! She makes Jungkook mean to me!" He hugged me as if I would leave as soon as he lets go.

"It's okay Jae Hana is here now." I smiled at him and put him on the couch. "Now what do you say we play together." JaeHyung smiled excitedly and ran to get his toys.

I saw Jungkook step out his room and almost bump into JaeHyung. "Move Jungkookie! Hana is here and we're gonna play!" JaeHyung went around Jungkook and I laughed at his cuteness. Jungkook saw me and ran downstairs. He went up to me and sat next to me.

"Hana! Can we talk now?" Jungkook asked me and I sighed. "Please. That's all I wanna do." I nodded and he sat next to em.

"Okay go ahead what did you wanna talk about?" I crossed my arms and looked at him. I was trying my hardest to not cry in front of him. He was about to open his mouth when his phone rang.

"Hang on Hana." He picked it up and I could hear who's voice it was. "Oh hey Nana. I'm just here with JaeHyung and his babysitter. Uhm I don't think you should come over today. Alright Nana love you too."

Hearing his last words made my heart ache. I couldn't hold it in and I let my tears flow. I quietly sobbed while he was on the phone. After he hung up he looked at me.

"Hana are your crying?" He came closer to me and I pushed him away. "What's wrong?" I looked at him with my tears falling down my face.

"I thought you loved me. You said you would never hurt me. Now I see that you were lying. My mother was right I'm not supposed to be loved." I looked down at hands which were in fists. I was digging my fingernails into my palm because I was so angry and upset.

"I did love you but Nana is my first love. I still can't understand why you hit Nana in the bathroom though. Can you tell me why you did?" I immediately looked up and I glared at him.

"You still think I hit Nana! I didn't lay a hand on her! The whole time she was here I was being nice and making her feel welcomed. She told me that she's gonna make you hers forever and started to hit herself to frame me. Maybe she's right I don't deserve you. I mean who would love a mistake like me." Jungkook hung his head low and sighed.

"Hana... I don't know how many times I have to tell you but Nana wouldn't do that. So I'm giving you one more chance to tell me the truth." I scoffed and got up. Jungkook pulled me back down and his eyes were darker than usual. "Hana tell me why you did it?" His grip tighten on my wrist.

I hissed in pain and closed my eyes. "Stop it Jungkook! You're hurting me!" I looked at my wrist and started crying again. Jungkook noticed me crying and he let go immediately. I held my wrist to my chest. He looked at me with sorrow. When he got up from the couch I flinched and shut my eyes tightly. "Please don't hurt me!"

Jungkook came close to me and hugged me. "D-Did you think I was gonna hit you? Hana I wouldn't hit you ever! I'm so sorry for hurting your wrist." I pushed him away and dried my eyes.

"I'm gonna go check on JaeHyung." I went upstairs and saw JaeHyung still looking in his toy box. "JaeHyung wanna go to the park with me?" JaeHyung nodded and ran to me. I held his hand with my non-injured wrist. We went downstairs and I saw Jungkook still on the couch.

"Where are you guys going?" Jungkook asked me getting up. JaeHyung smiled at Jungkook brightly.

"Hana and I are going to the park!" Jungkook looked at me and sighed. "Wanna come Jungkookie?" Jungkook shook his head and JaeHyung walked to the door. "Okay bye Jungkookie!" He went outside and I looked at Jungkook sadly.

"I'm sorry Hana again..." I just nodded and left the house. I thought talking things out would fix it but it just made it worse. I don't think I'm meant for anyone. Maybe I'm a mistake and I shouldn't be on the earth. Maybe I should fix the mistake and leave it.


Oh shoot 🤪 it's getting spicy 🌶 anyways luv y'all UwU <3

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