Hiding In The Shadows

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/Your Pov/

My name is (y/n), (y/n) (l/n).

I just turned 18 a little while ago. Freedom at last! I'm finally able to do whatever I want! (I know a lot of you aren't 18 but just roll with it, gotta be a legal age ya know?)

I recently moved into a new place called Hatsville. I only moved there because it's not too far from my parents so I don't get homesick, at least not that easy. But I also moved because the rent was cheaper over here, so uh, score!

After moving into my new home I got everything all set up and settled in less than a week. all by myself! I don't need anybody! I am a single lady who'll make all my wildest dreams come true!

Though being at home alone does get lonely... I should do something to change that, without getting a pet, that's too much work...

I get up from the couch, and stretched all my muscles, popping most of my bones, satisfied, "Never gets old." I say to myself.

I go into my room and grab my bag that has, my phone, a sketchbook, pencils and pens, water, house keys, and my wallet.

I walk over to the door and smell the fresh new air as I closed and locked the door.

I looked up at the sky, it was late afternoon and I decided to go take a walk, maybe go by a park and relax, meet new people and get familiar with everyone in town.

*Time skip*

As I've been walking for a while now I finally found a park. It was a little farther than I thought it was...oh well.

I enter the gates and see all kinds of children playing in the playground, riding swings, going down the slide, playing the sand, hop-scotch, tag, etc. Seeing all these sweet kids playing, running around, having the time of their lives. Reminds me of when I was younger, oh how I miss those days...

As I was thinking about all my childhood memories, I got this feeling somebody is watching me... I dunno who but it was someone. I'll try and shake it off I guess...

I looked around, trying not to look for eyes looking back at me, but a bench or a least a place to sit. I spot a bench and make my way towards it.

I pulled out my sketchbook and start to think of ideas to draw or just to doodle for fun.

/Black Hats Pov/

I hate being out in public, but that stupid Flug said it would be 'nice' to go out and get some fresh air.

He's so stupid! I don't need to eat, I don't need to sleep, all I need to do is keep my damn business running.

But Flug kept on insisting I should go outside, I started to get more angry but Flug wasn't scared of me at all. That is the first time Flug has never been scared of me. Maybe I'm getting too old for this...

I soon gave in and we both went outside, Flug carrying all his blueprints with him, making him look foolish.

I just rolled my eyes at him not saying a word as we walked.

Flug started to walk into a park that was nearby, they're a bunch of little brats running around being foolish. It disgusted me. Flug noticed my expression.

"S-sir we don't have to be h-here if you don't want to..." He says.

I didn't listen to him nor answer him. My eyes were just glued on to this one gal.

She was walking around, looking at all the brats, she smiled, but it was a sad smile. She looked around and I looked away for a moment, so she wouldn't notice me staring at her. As she sat down my eyes were just back onto her.

She's a human, a disgusting one, but I'm still so intrigued in her. Why? I can't love, I can't feel love or be loved by anyone.

I'm glad we're in the shadows so nobody can really notice me.

I was so in the zone that I didn't notice a hand waving right in front of my eye.

"What!" I yelled.

"S-sorry, sir!! You j-just weren't listening to a-anything I was saying..." He says, nervous.

"Am I not allowed to not speak!?" I Yelled once more, trying to be more superior.

"Y-you're allowed s-sir!!" He's frightened, just the way I like it...

"That's what I thought." I grumbled.

"M-maybe we s-should head back..." He insists.

"You are dismissed, I'm staying," I say waving my hand.

"O-okay..." He says, Flug usually never leaves me alone. But he walks away leaving me to be alone, with her.

I leaned against a tree and just idolized her. God, I don't know what's wrong with me! Why am I so interested in such a foolish girl!

*Time Skip*

/Your Pov/

As time goes by, more and more kids leave with their parents back into a welcoming home. I miss my home already, but it's better this way...

The sun was setting quite fast.

I looked around seeing if there was anybody even left. I looked only to see this tall man leaning against a tree, he was looking right back at me.

I could only see that he has a top hat, a molecule, and bright, sharp teeth, looked minty green.

He noticed me looking and immediately turned around and...Vanished. How the hell...

I decided that it's time for me to go back to my own home before it got too dark, I still needed to eat as well.

I packed up my bag and headed out back the way I came to my home, walking a little bit faster than I usually do.

/Black Hats Pov/

She noticed me! We made eye contact!

I was so embarrassed and so foolish to even be here! I teleported somewhere where she wouldn't see me. I still wanted to watch her for some reason...

She immediately took her leave. I watched her leave, fascinated in her still. We will meet again, human. And it will be soon~

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