Late On The First Day

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/Your Pov/

My eyes slowly fluttered opened, I sat up slowly and stretched my body, 'That was a good nights rest.' I thought. The bed was definitely more comfortable than anything I've slept on!

Looking at the end of my bed I noticed an outfit laying there with a note.

"An outfit I require you to wear everyday as you work."


It was pretty obvious this was from Black Hat, I looked at the outfit, it looked similar to a maids outfit but it wasn't one.

There was a short but not too short black skirt, a buttoned up red shirt with a black bow tie attached, there were tights that only went up to my knees they had a spiked like look to them but where soft. The shoes were like dress shoes but were actually athletic shoes.

 The shoes were like dress shoes but were actually athletic shoes

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(Shitty doodle by me)

I slipped the outfit on, it fit just like a glove.

I went to my bathroom seeing how I looked, I didn't look to bad, besides the usual bags under my eyes.

I looked like a mini version of Black Hat. I giggled to myself. I did my normal routine and checked my phone when I was finished.

9:15 a.m

Well I missed breakfast, but I wasn't hungry so I should be okay, for now.

I opened the door and made my way to the main hall where I found 5.0.5. He has on an actual maids outfits, the classic black and white one. He looked normal with it on which was the weirdest part...

I walked up to him, he smiled and pat my head. I realized I didn't have any supplies to work with for cleaning. I tap on the bears shoulder and point to the bucket of cleaning supplies he has, asking if I may use them, he smile and nods. I grabbed a few rags and a cleaning spray.

My first thought was to go clean the kitchen since it was most likely a mess after 5.0.5 cooking for everyone. As I made my way to the kitchen, the place was spotless! I'm still shocked there's a bear walking around cleaning the place!

I was unsure what to do or clean, so I decided to go to Flug and ask for help.

I zipped through the halls making my way to the metal automatic doors, I entered, dropping my supplies by the door so I wouldn't forget. I made my way to Flug tapping him on the shoulder.

He jumps "AH! o-oh. It's you, good morning, (y/n)! Anything you n-need?" Flug asked.

"Heh sorry for spooking you, and mornin' I need help finding out what to clean, I can't find anywhere." I replied with my problem.

"Well 5.0.5 always starts his way from the left side of the house all the way to the right side, I'm sure if you start from the right side they'll be places for you to clean up." Flug answered.

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