Second Times The Try

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/Black Hats Pov/

I snuck into that humans dream, feeling her body, she was soft and squishy. I wanted to do so many things to her...But that will wait for another day~ Instead, I wanted to see how much pain she could endure. 

I must say she's quite weak with all the smoke going around. Choking her gave me an evil smile, but I was disappointed I couldn't make her scream~

Maybe next time~

I wanted to see that human again... maybe I could...

Just maybe~

Ah fuck it. I'll go, what's the worse that could happen?

/Your Pov/

I was sitting down at the table, with my head down.

I couldn't get him out of my mind! Why!? Was he that scary? No, I'm tougher than that!

I'm going to go to the park and prove that I'm not scared of that man!

I make myself some lunch on the go, my favorite sandwich! Grabbed a cool bottle of water from the fridge, threw them in my bag and made sure I had my wallet, keys, and phone which was still in my hand.

Looking down at my outfit, I realized I was in the same outfit as yesterday. I ran to my room and changed into a different outfit, don't want people to know I'm gross heh...

Grabbed my bag, checking one last time, making sure I had everything I needed, Art supplies, wallet, keys, food, water, and my phone, we're good.

I left the house, almost forgetting to lock it. And made my way to the park. I'm kinda hoping he's there today...

*Time Skip*

I made it to the park, I saw many familiar faces from yesterday but they're wasn't many people there since it was still a little bit early today, it was close to noon, I think?

I went over the the same bench I sat at yesterday. I sat down and let the light wind hit me, it was nice and relaxing...

Breathing in and out slowly, calming my mind...

Until I felt a familiar feeling...I felt eyes on me again...Was it him? Should I look? I hesitated but decided not too, for my safety.

I really wanted to look at him, talk to him even. But I was to scared to..


Eh? Why the hell not,  what's the worst that could happened? right...?

I turned around, only to see him again, he looked just the same as he did yesterday and in my dream...

He looked back at me, his eyes opening wide in surprising. I then did something brave, okay well to me it was brave...I gave him a smile, like a shy smile? I was scared, I could hear my heart beating.

Thump, thump

Thump, thump

It sounded like it was growing louder too...

I tried to focus on his expression but it was hard to tell he was in the shadows, same spot as yesterday too...

He looked like he was changing color? Is he human? or not...?

My legs started to move on there own, wait what? that makes no sense! But it was happening anyway.

My legs got up from the bench and started to make their way to the tall man. He got taller and taller and taller as I got closer. 

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