What's up Doc?

864 17 4

Your pov

I woke up to a feeling of warmth, I tried to get up but was just pushed back down. I looked up to see Black Hat with his eyes closed, smirking. I couldn't tell if this man was asleep or not, I know he doesn't need to sleep but does he still sleep to be like us?

Just sitting there started to make me hungry, I tried to slip out of his grasp but he just kept holding me tighter and tighter, almost to the point where I couldn't breathe. I gave up and he loosen his grasp. I crawled up to his face, whispering.

"Black Haaattt, I need to get up honey." 

All I heard from him was a groan, I moved back and he let me, thank god he isn't that evil.

I gave him a kiss on the forehead and made my way to the kitchen for a snack.

Looking through the cabinets and fridge, curious what we have. I made my decision and made a sandwich (what ever ya like bub) with a side of a sliced apple. Honestly I'm glad I don't have to go and get groceries, that would take forever.

I enjoyed my lunch and was gonna go back to Black Hat, but I kept hearing loud noises coming from the lab and my curiosity got the best of me. I slowly made my way to the entrance trying to figure out the noise before I see it hands on. 

The doors slide open, my eyes widened. I saw the Doc running from Demencia, this honestly really didn't surprise me but was amusing to see Flug run away from a teenage girl. I thought about breaking this up before Black Hat comes in and become all mad again.

I jumped in front of them only to be trampled by Demencia, she tried to grab me which surprised me and I grabbed her wrist as fast as I could, I could hear her hissing, sending chills throughout me.

"W-what's going on!?" I yelled. 

5.0.5 entered the room and saw me struggling to keep a grip, he quickly ran behind Demencia and grabbed her, not letting her go for a second. 

Flug then came by and held me up and dusted me off, which was weird, I admit. He explained what was going on.

"Demencia was trying to tackle me when I said she couldn't be in here and messing around with my experiments, but when you jumped in she just got really angry for some reason."

I knew why she would be mad at me, I looked down saying, 'Oh'.

"Thanks for helping me y/n and 5.0.5."

We both nodded, 5.0.5 brought Demencia out of the room but still kept a good hold on her, she was squirming so much, trying so hard to get out of his grip. As soon as they were out of sight I turned, looking at Flug.

"So what's the new experiment your working on?" I asked, Flug eyes glimmer with hope and excitement.

He speed walked to the counter to grab a big container filled with a purple substance and a single living fish inside. I looked at him confused.

"This is my latest experiment, I'm trying to turn a creature into a powerful monster, I think people would like a living being than a robot or a ray/device." Says Flug.

"Hm. Maybe you should move them into a bigger container, you never know what's gonna happen to this little dude." I said.

"Maybe your right, Good thing I have this." Says Flug as he walked to a big tube with pipes going everywhere. He climbs a ladder and dumps the container into the bigger tube, sending the fish flying in there as the tank fills up with more of that purple substance, the fish now looked so tiny in there, I chuckled.

"So you just work 24/7?" I asked Doc.

"N-no not necessarily, it's just...I only know how to work and create things..." He says, putting a hand behind his head rubbing it.

I felt bad for the guy, he's been hidden and working his entire life. I thought, and thought about what we could do that's not work related, its the weekend, relaxing time.

"Follow me." I asked Flug. He hesitated at first but soon gave in. 

We both walked together and outside, I was stopped by Flug. 

"W-we can't go out, boss would kill us!" He said.

I rolled my eyes, "C'mon, can't we walk around and explore this place that Black Hat owns?" Flug looked at me still scared. "Look if he does get mad I'm gonna be taking the blame, it's my idea to come out here anyways."

Flug was trying to come up with an excuse but couldn't come up with any, he sighed and opened the front door. We walked out and exited the mansion. Thinking about it now this is my first time out of the mansion, I hope Black Hat won't catch us or kill us.

Black Hats Pov

I opened my eyes to hear the silent. Y/n was nowhere to be found, I looked through every room she could get to, but she was nowhere. I started to feel something, worry. It pained me to feel this.

I went to the laboratory, Nobody was in there, quiet as ever, it's usually never quiet in here. Thoughts came through my mind. Did y/n and Flug runaway from me? Do they have a secret relationship I don't know about? 

All these thoughts worried me more, I felt my face get hot as I started to breathe faster, feeling liquid on my cheeks, I wiped them to see tears, acid tears.

I went to my office and looked out through the big window, My eyes widen. I saw y/n with Flug walking out of my mansion! Nobody ever leaves me! 

I decided to follow her, if they do anything sexual I'm ripping both of there hearts out, no matter what.

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